International Business and Marketing Major
Internship Location: TUSA – Taipei, Taiwan
I am grateful for the opportunity I was given to intern at the Taiwan – USA Industrial Cooperation Promotion Office, MOEA. Without a doubt, this internship challenged me in ways I didn’t expect to be challenged. It put me out of my comfort zone and with that, it’s why I believe it was successful. My research methodology, presentation style, and communication skills were all put to the test. I explored an entirely new side to the tech industry and was able to relate it all back between the United States to Taiwan and on a global level. Market research was done in the EV/AV industry, cloud computing networks, cyber security, and smart city technologies. I had only a surface level amount of knowledge in this industry when I began. By the end of it I was able to realize how important these industries are and the prospect of growth for economic opportunities that lie within.

The work culture and communication style varies greatly. It was apparent on my first day. Although the barrier was difficult to overcome, overcoming it made it more special. Relationships with our international peers is important and understanding one another is equally needed. What I learned from my experience here in Taiwan and in Asia is an advantage I will be able to carry on now and in the future.