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Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (BMMB) Facility

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To access the BMMB equipment and services please go to the following link, which will direct you to the Idaho Microfabrication Lab iLab login page.

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ServiceUnitBSU Internal RateNon-Profit RateCommercial Rate
Skyscan MicroCT System Use & Trainingper instrument hour$50.00$70.75$100.00
Flexcellper instrument hour$4.00$5.66$25.00
Cell Culture Suiteper instrument hour$3.25$4.60$25.00
Zeiss LSM900 Confocal Microscopeper instrument hour$28.00$39.62$75.00
Simulated Microgravityper instrument hour$2.75$3.89$25.00
Laborper labor hour$75.00$106.13$150.00

The BMMB core staff provides training and project assistance for researchers. Open access will be granted to trained and independent users during business hours. And so, if you have any questions regarding our services or wish to know more about the facility and its applications, please contact us:

Gunes Uzer
Associate Professor, Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering Department
Phone: (208) 426-4461


Cell culture (MEC 308)

This includes the use of a cell culture facility, complete with Biosafety cabinet, centrifuge, inspection microscope, pipette set (2-1000uL), pipette, incubator space (37C, 5%CO2), water bath and access to a 4C fridge. Also, we will offer consumables to get you started immediately but users are expected to purchase their own consumable materials. As well as replenish what they have used (serological pipettes, tubes, media, etc…).

Specific space for custom made bioreactors are also available. Even so, users are expected to provide their own reagents and consumables (pipet tips, serological pipettes, tissue culture plates, etc.). A suggested list of consumables is listed here.

Flexcell (MEC 308)

Flexcell (MEC 308) equipment

This kit includes the use of Flexcell FX-5000 bioreactor for strain applications. This system uses 6-well plate format to apply equibiaxial strain (0.1-10% @ 0.1 to 1Hz) in 2D cultures and 3D gels. Along with that, strain profiles can be set manually using a waveform generator and can be programmed to apply regimens automatically.  Up to 4 6-well plates can be stimulated at any given time. For more information, please refer to the product manual. In addition, users will have access to a PC and a sample prep area.

sMG (MEC 308)

This includes the use of a clinostat system for adherent cells (fibroblasts, stem cells, osteoblasts etc…) For more information on system details, please refer to our publications.

Skyscan MicroCT (MEC 308)

Skyscan MicroCT (MEC 308) equipment

The SkyScan 1172 High resolution X-ray Micro-CT Scanner is used to utilize scanning high-density tissues such as bones. As well as low-density softer tissue such as lungs.
Then the Skyscan 1172, with dynamically variable acquisition geometry, can provide the shortest scan times possible for any magnification. Also cross-section images are generated in a wide range of formats up to 8000 x 8000 pixels.