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Map of Idaho INBRE Institutions
Figure 1: Idaho INBRE Institutions
IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Logo

The three state universities in Idaho:  University of Idaho , Idaho State University, Boise State University developed an interdisciplinary network for biomedical research through the BRIN program which ended June 2004.

The INBRE program extends the BRIN Network to undergraduate colleges and institutions throughout Idaho with the following goals:

  1. To build an interdisciplinary research network under the theme of Cell Signaling 
  2. To support a Network of Research Partners consisting of colleges with developing research missions 
  3. To expand the outreach effort and enhance science education and training at undergraduate colleges, and 
  4. To create an educated workforce that will sustain a developing biomedical industry in Idaho

INBRE and the Teaching EnvironmentGirl working at a microscope

Boise State University is rapidly expanding its emphasis on research while remaining a center for teaching and learning. We are improving research training programs for students by adding new courses and new faculty to teach these courses. Research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students are made available through INBRE programs such as the Summer Research Fellows and Summer Scholars Programs, and through INBRE funded research laboratories. New degree programs are being developed in the area of Bioinformatics and Biomolecular studies building on our interdepartmental strengths in biochemistry, biophysics, and biomaterials.

INBRE and the Research Environment

Time for faculty members to conduct research is made possible by INBRE through a program that funds release time from teaching. To increase the ability of faculty members to compete for federal funding, seed funding is provided to promising researchers (Magnet Principal Investigators and Research Collaborators). In addition, well-established investigators provide mentoring in the preparation of grant applications. Access to research instrumentation and facilities is provided through the BRIN funded Proteomics Core Laboratory and other shared research facilities. The approach taken through INBRE is designed to build a lasting change in the biomedical research culture in Idaho, reaching to the next generation of researchers and to the public. The INBRE program is a unique opportunity to build Idaho’s research infrastructure so that our faculty can become more competitive for future NIH awards.

Grant Number P20RR016454 funded by NIH NCRR