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January 11-15, 2021

Re-Think Your Resolution

Welcome to 2021 everyone!

Have you noticed that beginning January 1st your feeds are flooded with weight loss ads and fad diets that leave you feeling less than great? This year, join BroncoFit to Re-Think your Resolutions!

Together we will set goals not for short term weight loss or hunger-inducing diets, but for nutrition resolutions that last.

Register Here:

Here's what you can expect:

  1. 5 days of nutrition themed emails from our Registered Dietitian.
  2. Daily activities to get you thinking about achievable resolutions.
  3. Access to podcasts, articles, and blogs for more information behind each day’s theme.
  4. REFIT dance class and lunch hour Q&A with our Registered Dietitian.
  5. And of course, prize drawings for participants!