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Workshops and Presentations

Request a Be Well Workshop or Presentation from Wellness Services

What We Offer

Sexual Health 101

Join Wellness Services in exploring the ins and outs of sexual health! Learn the basics about consent and communication, safer sex practices, and contraception methods! Extended versions are available to groups interested in further exploring sexual health topics.

Broncos Take Action

Preventing Stalking, Sexual Assault, and Relationship Violence
Being a part of the Boise State community means looking out for one another. In this interactive workshop, we explore signs that we might notice when something isn’t right, barriers to taking action, and practice strategies for safely intervening to prevent stalking, sexual assault, and relationship violence. Scenarios and activities can be tailored to your group.

Healthy relationships & boundaries

: Learn all about healthy relationships and healthy communication- including how to set boundaries, manage conflict, and maintain relationships!

Let’s Talk Consent

Have you ever wondered if nonverbal cues are enough for consent, how alcohol influences consent, or even what consent actually means? Then join Wellness Services for our consent workshop! This workshop will answer common questions surrounding consent, explore what consent means, and provide opportunities to practice communicating boundaries.

Party Smart-Find your Sweet Spot

There are things you can do that make drinking more or less safe. Learn how to drink safely, and what it means to stay in “the green zone.”

Adulting 101

Adulting 101 aims to set students up for success in the world! Relationship building, understanding emotions, finances, health and body, and household and work skills are covered. Students will participate in a conversation about the skills that are the most important to them and reflect on strategies for success moving forward.

8 Dimensions of Wellness

In this workshop, we will introduce the 8 dimensions of wellness, assess your balance of each dimension, and create a strategy moving forward to help you become more balanced.

Time Management

At times, it might feel like procrastination keeps you from truly accomplishing what’s most important to you. During this workshop, you will reflect on how you prioritize tasks, learn about task management, and gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of time management.

Goal Setting

In this workshop, we will learn to set effective goals by reviewing new strategies from experts, becoming inspired by establishing our own personal goals, and understanding why goal setting is essential for college students.

Nutrition 101

This workshop gives you a thorough foundation in basic nutrition, so you can understand and implement your own healthy eating lifestyle. Using MyPlate we will practice building balanced meals that you actually enjoy!

Food & Mood

We have all heard that nutrition and exercise affect our mood and energy. But what does that actually mean? In this workshop, we will discuss energy provided by macronutrients, meal and snack timing, and how movement can improve our mood.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

In this hands-on educational body image workshop, you will learn how to dispel myths of diet culture; uncover the messages that have influenced your relationships with body, food, and exercise; utilize tools and resources to live intuitively; and be empowered to develop a weight-neutral, health-centered approach to self-care.

Nutrition on a Budget

Whether you have a packed work schedule, or you are a busy student, you too can enjoy a nutritious lifestyle! This workshop focuses on shopping and cooking within your budget while focusing on the three P’s: plan, purchase, and prepare.

Don’t see what you are looking for?

Our health educators are always open to creating tailored content! Reach out to us at

Request Presentations

Request your presentation with the following links.

Note: New workshops take a minimum of 4 weeks notice to create. We have a right to cancel a workshop is the attendance is less than 10 people.

Additional Resources

Looking for brief health and wellness resources? Check out our long list of pre-recorded videos!

Wellness Spotlights