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Idaho Career Data

JobScape Tool

The Idaho Department of Labor’s JobScape tool is an Idaho-specific career information database, providing data for many occupations on entry-level, typical, and experienced salaries, number of people employed, annual openings, and education requirements.

Data by region of the state: To make this data more specific, enter the location in which you live or plan to live. Instead of statewide data, you’ll then get data only for the region of the state that includes your location. This feature is especially important in Idaho, where salaries and availability of jobs in specific fields can vary greatly from one area to the next.

To enter a location: Complete the first page that has you enter a job title, keyword, military code, or select an industry. On the second page that shows potential matching occupations, click the “Filter” button at the top right and enter a location (city or zip code) before selecting an occupation.

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