Class Discussion – Choosing a Career: Passion vs. Practicality
This whole-class discussion will help students process what they learned in this module about making a career choice that balances passion and practicality. A discussion outline is provided. Download the Class Discussion Outline (Word document)
Personal Interests and Career Interests Discussion and Activity
Students often have a hard time differentiating between personal (hobby) interests and career interests when deciding upon a career, and when they rule out making a hobby into a career, they often fail to consider what else that hobby could tell them about their ideal career. This discussion and activity will allow students to assess their own beliefs about personal interests and career choice, as well as identify characteristics of their hobbies that could translate into other types of careers. Background information to help you facilitate the discussion, a discussion outline, and a worksheet are provided. Download the Personal Interests and Career Interests Activity Materials (Word document)
Greatest Accomplishments Activity
This is a relatively short activity involving a worksheet and small group discussion that will allow your students to begin assessing their abilities. Download the Greatest Accomplishments Activity Materials (Word document)
Tough Decisions (Prioritizing Your Values) Class Discussion and Activity
Students will contemplate six different scenarios that involve prioritizing work values in order to make a decision. You will facilitate a discussion of each scenario which will help students clarify their values and priorities, and after discussion of each scenario, students will have to identify and write down what their chosen course of action in that scenario tells them about their values. The worksheet students will complete (including the scenarios) and faculty instructions for how to facilitate the discussion are provided. Download the Tough Decisions Activity Materials (Word document)
Values Auction
This activity involves conducting an actual auction in your classroom (using play money, of course). Students will have a chance to review a fairly long list of common work values and think about which they would like in a career, and having to budget and compete with others for the values they want will force them to prioritize their values. Faculty instructions, the student worksheet, values cards, and (printable) play money are provided. Download the Values Auction Activity Materials (Word document), and download the Values Auction Play Money (Word document)
Group Completion Option
If you would prefer to guide your students through this module in class rather than having them complete it on their own, here is how you can do it. Options for how to turn each activity and quiz slide into a discussion or in-class activity are provided, as well as 3 worksheets. Download the Group Completion Option Materials (Word document)