Please help us welcome Kimberly Cirelli to the main office of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry! Kim started last week as the new financial administrative assistant. She’ll be taking over duties that had previously been Donna Harryman’s responsibility prior to her retirement. Kim will be helping Alicia with financial reporting and travel, and Kathleen with HR processes, all while also serving as Cori’s back up in the office. She has jumped right in, willing to learn all about P-Cards, travel authorizations, student hiring, and much more. We’re grateful to have her join the team! If you haven’t already had a chance to stop by and meet her, come to the Chemistry office and say hi!

“Hi! I am Kim Cirelli, the new Admin 2 in the office. I am a fur mama to two girls, a Pitbull named Dallas and a Pitahoula named Punkin. In my free time I enjoy reading, hanging out with my friends and being outdoors.”