This page was updated with the March 2022 version of the strategic plan on Friday, April 15, 2022.
Download the COAS Strategic Plan March 2022 version as a PDF
Blueprint for Success is Boise State’s strategic plan. In the fall of 2021, the College of Arts and Sciences began our strategic planning process to articulate how we plan to align with the Blueprint for Success. As Dean Leslie Durham stated in her invitation for all COAS faculty and staff to join this conversation, “I think restating what matters to us most is a positive response to the prolonged uncertainty we’ve faced, and I want and need your help to do that.”
This page was updated with the March 2022 version of the strategic plan on Friday, April 15, 2022.
Download the COAS Strategic Plan March 2022 version as a PDF
To be a nationally recognized leader in future-facing liberal arts education and transformative research. We unite tradition with innovation as we foster student success across the academic journey and enrich communities local and global through our research and creative activity.
The College of Arts and Sciences fortifies the scientific, ethical, and cultural foundation of the university and society through education, research, creative activity and community engagement. Our faculty, staff and students discover and share knowledge; understand and appreciate diverse perspectives; create and analyze art; and engage and enrich our local and global communities.
In alignment with our Vision and Mission, we engaged in the following collaborative process:
To ensure that our strategic plan represents a wide range of voices, all members of the College of Arts and Sciences were invited to share ideas through a series of open listening sessions and two survey mechanisms. For those interested in more in-depth participation, the Dean issued an open call for participation in a set of Strategic Planning Working Groups that align with the university’s strategic goals.
The COAS strategic plan represents a synthesis of materials created by three main sources: 1) the COAS working groups, 2) the college-wide listening sessions and survey data, and 3) the projects and goals the Dean set for the college over the last three and a half years. The full draft of the plan was vetted and approved by the COAS Working Groups. As each group designed metrics in the spring of 2022, they found places where the plan could be clarified or revised, and those changes are reflected in bold in this version of the document.
For each university goal listed below, we offer a brief description of the commitments we are making, followed by the list of tactics we will use to advance those commitments.
G1.S1 Create and enact a comprehensive strategic enrollment and student success plan, including components related to supporting the whole student, recruitment, retention/graduation, and addressing equity gaps.
One of the first steps of our implementation process will be the development of a Strategic Enrollment and Retention Plan (SERP). Several tactics in our strategic plan intersect with the SERP. For example, as we enhance advising support across the college, we will align resources and tactics with our SERP. In addition, as we consider workload allocation and compensation, we will prioritize efforts that advance the goals of the SERP. Overall, the COAS SERP will function as a touchstone and tool for decision-making across the college. New project ideas and funding requests will be considered alongside the SERP (i.e., does this idea serve our target student populations; does this request advance our recruitment and retention goals?).
Create and enact a college-level strategic enrollment and retention plan (SERP) for undergraduate and graduate students.
Create and enact a college-level recruitment initiative for undergraduate and graduate students.
Design and implement a collaborative and coordinated COAS system of advising for undergraduate and graduate students.
G1.S2 Integrate career education and experiential learning opportunities into the curriculum and the student experience to improve career readiness and post-graduation outcomes.
From the SERP process, we will gain a better sense of our students’ needs and the barriers that they experience. Working from that knowledge, we will implement tactics that embed career readiness and experiential learning into programs and curricula, ensuring equal access to opportunities. As we implement tactics, we will prioritize existing resources and partnerships (e.g. GEC, Career Services, IFITS) with the goal of organic integration rather than additional workload for faculty and students.
[Note that the COAS Strategic Plan does not explicitly speak to each strategy in the “Blueprint for Success” document. For example, the COAS plan does not include a reference to G1.S3 in the university plan.]
G1.S4 Cultivate a commitment to high-quality, new, and innovative learning experiences in all courses, curricula, and co-curricula.
In the COAS commitment to innovation, we approach the concept of “innovation” as a spectrum of inventive theories, practices, and experiences. We envision “innovation” as an expansive space of individual and collective creativity. We support innovation in both new and existing pedagogies, technologies, programs and projects, research and creative activities, and student support methodologies. Our tactics will support and connect existing innovations, as well as create space for new ideas to thrive.
Scale VIP, internship, and other experiential learning opportunities to be available for all COAS undergraduate and graduate students.
Empower undergraduate and graduate student leaders to build an outstanding college community in collaboration with faculty and staff.
Sustain and advance Bronco Gap Year programming.
Engage with rural communities to help students see that they belong and can thrive in college and graduate school.
G2.S2 Build scalable university structures and align philanthropic and strategic investments that support innovation.
Based on the unique opportunities and needs in the College of Arts and Sciences, we will customize our budget model, increase visibility of budget systems, and provide new forms of training and support to COAS leaders.
Invent a COAS Budget Model aligned to the full scope of the COAS vision, mission objectives, and values.
G2.S3 Establish individual and collective opportunity and accountability for innovation.
Through a coordinated effort, aligned with the COAS and university SERPs, we will provide a distinct system for submitting and vetting innovative ideas in the college. This process will offer a clear path for sharing innovative ideas, as well as an archive of ideas from which new collaborations can emerge.
Launch the COAS Improvement and Innovation Lab.
G3.S1 Provide the physical space, policies, information systems, technology, budgetary and human resources to sustain and grow research and creative activities.
To enhance and sustain the innovative work and vital contributions that emerge from research and creative activity across the college, we will intentionally build our research infrastructure through a process of auditing needs, synthesizing resources, and developing solutions. Our research infrastructure must be stable but malleable so that we provide consistent support along with adaptable support that can meet new needs and opportunities.
G3.S2 Develop an integrated, transdisciplinary, and accessible research ecosystem dedicated to student excellence and success.
The COAS schools, designed to function as “ecosystems,” offer an example of our commitment to transdisciplinary learning experiences. To expand the reach of our research ecosystems, we will launch the COAS Research and Creative Activity Support Hub. A primary outcome of The Hub is to alleviate the burden of research/creative activity (RCA) administrative work that limit faculty productivity and potential, permitting more time for creativity, innovation, knowledge generation and transfer, and partnership building. This Hub will serve as a resource to promote the unique types of RCA that occurs within COAS from the unidisciplinary to the transdisciplinary. Scholars in the humanities and the arts alongside those in the sciences will find resources, support, and advocacy for their research and creative activities. Our schools and the new Hub encourage faculty and students to actively learn, teach, and research together.
Establish the COAS Research and Creative Activity Support Hub.
Pilot an Interdisciplinary GA Program.
G4.S1 Advance a learning and working environment dedicated to the flourishing, sense of belonging, and freedom of expression among all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the university.
To ensure the health of our communities, and to maintain a steadfast focus on ethical hiring practices and workload distribution, we will launch a new process that involves three key elements: listening, documenting, and tracking. More specifically, we will evaluate faculty, staff and graduate student workload and compensation across the college. We will centralize feedback so that we can more easily see and assess patterns in workload issues and imbalances. From the information we gather, we will develop creative solutions, such as equitable and easily traceable distribution of workload releases.
Conduct a Faculty Workload Study (inclusive of all full-time faculty categories), and then seek or create opportunities to make meaningful change at scales ranging from individual faculty, to faculty disciplinary groups/departments, to the college-wide faculty.
Conduct a Faculty (inclusive of all full-time faculty categories) and Staff Compensation Study, and then seek or create opportunities to make meaningful change at scales ranging from individual faculty to faculty disciplinary groups/departments, to the college-wide faculty.
Conduct a GA/TA/RA Support and Equity Study, and then seek or create opportunities to make meaningful change at scales ranging from individual graduate programs to the college-wide portfolio of GAs.
G4.S2 Create a comprehensive, whole-employee experience that aligns university resources and is designed to enhance employee well-being and career growth at the university.
Moving forward, we will center wellness as a key element of COAS culture. In doing so, we will build resources and support into existing structures so that wellness is an integral part of programs and departments, rather than a peripheral element. In addition to wellness-based support, we will also increase professional development and leadership opportunities across the college to help faculty and staff name career aspirations and actively engage in personal and professional growth.
Introduce college-based wellness support for faculty, staff, and students. ○ Survey the existing best practices for mitigating stressors and balancing workload.
Present professional development opportunities for chairs, faculty and staff.
Sustain the Thriving Community grants program.
G4.S3 Create a transparent, centralized business operations model that responsibly uses university resources, supports collaboration, and promotes consistency across individual campus units.
By adopting a shared staffing model, we will design innovative ways to use resources and distribute workload across units as a way to increase efficiencies, while also bolstering connectivity across departments and programs.
G5.S1 Leverage existing partnerships and programs and develop new opportunities with Idaho employers and private partnerships to address workforce, research, educational, and service needs.
We will launch a phased approach, beginning with the COAS schools, that strategically and sustainably embed external partnerships into academic units. The partnerships that we establish in the schools will serve as a model for department and program-based collaborations.
Activate COAS Advisory Groups in schools to network industry partners, community partners, donors, and alumni with students, staff, and faculty.
G5.S2 Expand partnerships across Idaho to ensure rural communities have access to high-quality educational programming that fits their needs.
Through both the university and COAS SERP processes, we will refine what we mean by “rural communities” and gain a better sense of the specific student populations we want to better serve and support. Since we believe that we can best serve rural communities by collaborating with colleges and units across the university, we will continue to invest in partnerships. To increase the scope and depth of our rural outreach, we will also invest new resources through our COAS Improvement and Innovation Lab.
G5.S3 Create interdisciplinary structures to facilitate meaningful connections and experiences for students, faculty, and staff.
By creating a unique set of “schools,” the College of Arts and Sciences offers a new kind of academic unit that embeds interdisciplinarity into the structure of the college. The schools anchor faculty and students in shared research interests, while also allowing movement across departments and programs. With a job market that demands range and adaptability, and large-scale problems that require cross-disciplinary solutions, the COAS schools serve a wide range of students, faculty, and communities.
Launch and sustain COAS Schools.
Reward teaching, research and creative activity, and community organization partnerships that engage multiple disciplines.
Expand the activity of the Stein Luminary by adding partners from a variety of campus units to theInterdisciplinary Committee; designing high-impact programming for public visitors; and facilitating interdisciplinary partnerships through use of the space and its technology.