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Sarah Cole receives almost $50k in scholarships

Sarah Cole looking into microscope

Sarah Cole is an incoming sophomore, who has worked in the AML since her senior year of high school. For the 22/23 school year, Sarah has  been awarded $49,750 in scholarships. She says, “I am extremely grateful to have received scholarships due to my research in the Advanced Materials Laboratory on nuclear-related research topics, ranging from sensing technology to nuclear fuels. Specifically, I won the American Nuclear Society Sophomore Undergraduate Scholarship ($2,000) and the University Nuclear Leadership Program Scholarship ($10,000). I am also continuing to receive renewable funding through the state of Idaho, including the Governor’s Cup Scholarship ($3,000), Idaho Opportunity Scholarship ($3,500), and Postsecondary Credit Scholarship ($2,500). I received a Taco Bell Live Mas Scholarship ($25,000) in addition to several awards through Boise State University, including the David and Beverly Taylor Service Scholarship ($1,000), BSU Presidential Scholarship ($2,500) and Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering Department Scholarship ($250). I am highly appreciative of these awards which will continue to fund my education and ignite my enthusiasm to pursue my studies in Materials Science and Engineering.”

To anyone interested in undergraduate scholarships, we recommend reaching out to the COEN Advising & Outreach Office.