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Kyle Holloway presents at National Conference for McNair Scholars

Kyle Holloway stands next to a presentation poster

Kyle Holloway, an undergraduate researcher in the AML, recently attended the University of Maryland McNair Academic Conference. The McNair Scholars Program is a prestigious program that prepares underrepresented groups for doctoral studies through involvement in research and graduate-readiness coursework. The program pays for a summer research experience and assists with graduate school application costs. Kyle was accepted as a McNair Scholar last fall, and has been combining his research in the Advanced Materials Laboratory with McNair coursework to prepare for graduate school.

At the 24th Annual National Conference for McNair Scholars, Kyle presented a poster titled “Effect of Print Parameters on the Performance of Additively Manufactured SS-316L to Inform Data Analytics.”  He says the following about his experience: “During the conference, I felt at home and connected with people who have similar research interests as me. After experiencing the conference, I am excited that there is a program promoting diversity in academia, and will proudly represent this program throughout my academic career.”