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Participation Opportunities

Here are the current opportunities to participate in research.

Infant Rolling

We are currently recruiting for an at-home, survey based study involving infant rolling. If your infant is showing signs of rolling but is not yet independently walking and you are interested in participating, please click the survey link BABI Research Lab Survey. After completing this survey you will receive a $5 Starbucks card as compensation!

Infant Hip Biomechanics

We are looking for babies 1 to 7 months old both with and without developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) to participate in a research study. The 90 minute, non-invasive study will include monitoring the motion and muscle activity of your baby in varies positions, while wearing a pavlik harness, a device commonly used to treat DDH. You will be with your baby during the entire session. We are offering a $100 gift card as a thank you for participating.  If you are interested in participating, please email us at