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Boise State CS Highlighted in Ridenbaugh Press/Northwest

Boise State CS was recently highlighted in a Ridenbaugh Press piece dedicated to discussing the need for strong systems of higher education throughout the state of Idaho. Written by Chuck Malloy, a writer for a few different local publications and University of Idaho graduate, notes the need for continued support and discussion regarding the institutions of higher education throughout Idaho and the adequate funding to “deliver the punch that [Idaho needs] to drive [Idaho’s] economy for the next 30 years.”

To support the relationship between post-secondary education and higher salaries, Malloy points to Boise State.

The bottom line is more years of post-secondary education equal higher salaries. The quality of a higher education system so often is a make-it, or break-it factor for providing businesses and industries that pay higher salaries. Boise State, for example, has upgraded its computer science offerings at the request of high-tech industries.Chuck Malloy

Recent investment via grants such as IGEMS and the Idaho Department of Labor WDTF Industry Sector grants has come at the dire need from industry to supply graduates that can fill high wage positions in the local CS industry. That demand continues to increase and with that demand should come the investment needed to deliver that punch needed to strengthen local and state economies.

You can read more at On Supporting Higher Education