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Alexandra “Lexie” Der

Lexie Der

Alexandra “Lexie” Der is a busy girl! At 22, she juggles both an intense academic program while staying active on Boise State’s women’s basketball team. She seems up to the challenge, participating in the demands of her sports team while staying on-track to graduate this semester with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Lexie has always enjoyed math and physics. A technical instructor for electricians, Lexie’s father always involved her as a child, showing her how this and that worked. Her uncle was an engineer, and both men were always teaching her about how the world around her operated.

Lexie is a basketball player, but after several knee injuries has realized that professional ball is not in her future. For a while, Lexie thought she might want to be a doctor, but realized early that she did not want to deal with blood. Eventually she discovered biomedical engineering, considering that field as a way to feed her desire to help people through medical devices.

Originally from Vancouver, British Colombia, Lexie really likes Boise, as do her entire family. She says it is similar to Vancouver, but smaller and easier to navigate. Lexie’s mom was a postal worker, and she has twin siblings – a 29-year-old brother and sister set – who keep her motivated. Back home, her high school currently features her on a big billboard.

Boise State University was a perfect choice for Lexie, as she receives great team support for her academic interests. Meeting Dr. Moll also inspired her decision to come here. Her internship with Rhino Metals opened her eyes to manufacturing, and opened doors for her in skills and knowledge. While she plans to graduate in May and go to work, she also has an interest in working with Engineers without Borders.

Being involved in so much has given Lexie some great insights. Her advice to a young engineering student? “Don’t do it on your own. Make friends. Form study groups. Work together to learn. It’s a good study tool and makes it easier as you teach each other to learn. I wish I had done it earlier.”