College of Engineering Safety
Your safety (and the safety of those around you) is of paramount importance. Safety is not something that can simply be delegated to others or administered through mandates. It must be broadly practiced on a day-to-day basis, become a topic of frequent conversation and an area in which new processes and refinements are continually underway. The goal of growing a “culture of safety” in the College of Engineering is the inspiration for implementing these safety programs.
Our program includes broad safety training of faculty, staff, and students in areas both inside and outside of the lab. Training topics range from general emergency response measures, University Environmental Health and Safety policies, as well as lab-specific processes. Our program includes regular lab inspections to ensure the labs have the necessary training and record keeping processes and equipment to provide a safe working environment.
By working closely with Boise State’s EHS&S team, the College of Engineering is able to implement the safety protocols for today’s laboratories as well as tomorrow’s. Also, the College’s safety committee meets regularly to identify and deliver new processes and policies to further enhance the safety here in COEN.
If you have any questions about safety-related matters in the College of Engineering, please contact Jonathan Scaggs, College of Engineering Lab Safety Specialist, at (208) 426-3913 or
In case of emergency, call 9-1-1. Click here for additional emergency response resources.
Please contact the COEN Safety Liaison if you have any questions or comments relating to safety in the college or content on this website.