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Alternative Testing

Many students have accommodations for tests. If you are working with such a student, please take time to meet individually with them to discuss the details of the accommodations.  The Educational Access Center does not offer in-house test proctoring.

Canvas Quizzes

Time Extensions/ Extra Attempts

Instructors will need to add additional time in Canvas for each student with an accommodation for extra testing time. The same is true for each student with an accommodation for extra attempts on a test/quiz.

Extending Time and Increasing Number of Attempts on Canvas Quizzes

Instructional how-to guide
Proctored Exams

Academic Testing Center (ATC)

Administers accommodated testing for students when the entire course is scheduled to take exams in the ATC.

Proctoring and Certification Services (PACS)

Administers accommodated paper/pencil or in-class online exams.

Individual Campus Departments

You or your department may proctor your own exams for students. However, the accommodations must still be granted.  Be sure the testing environment meets the limited distraction requirement.

Academic Testing Center (ATC)

The entire class takes the exam at the testing center and signs up through Register Blast

Proctoring and Certification Services (PACS)

Make arrangements with PACS