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Snow Micro Penetrometer (SMP) analysis
Software for analyzing SMP measurements [Schneebeli and Johnson, 1998] using the microstructural analysis described by [Johnson and Schneebeli, 1999] with improvements and modifications presented in [Marshall and Johnson, 2009]. Download the .zip file, unzip into a directory, and see the file.
Software for plotting snowpit profiles (density, temperature, hardness, grain size, grain type using international symbols) in MATLAB. Download the .zip file, unzip into a directory, and see the readme.pdf file for installation instructions and manual.
LoadSnowPIT is a combination of MATLAB GUI’s and functions used to load manual snow pit data entered in an Excel spreadsheet into MATLAB format. The data can then be plotted using SnowpitLAB. The original code was adapted from SnowpitLAB created by HP Marshall. Downlad the .zip file, see the ReadMe file, and explore the various templates and examples.