About the Isotope Geology Laboratory
The Boise State University Isotope Geology Laboratory (IGL) is a state-of-the-art geoanalytical facility for the analysis of trace elements and radiogenic isotopes in Earth materials, using both inductively coupled plasma and thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Our expertise includes a unique focus on the tandem application of in situ and high-precision U-Pb geochronology supported by a variety of textural and geochemical information. These geochronological data can be applied to a variety of problems in igneous and metamorphic petrology, structural geology and tectonics, detrital provenance, paleobiological evolution, and paleoclimate change in deep time. We provide a variety of collaborative scientific services and training to the broader geological community, while we pursue innovation and novel integration between analytical platforms.

Infrastructure and Personnel
The IGL infrastructure includes a class 10 clean laboratory, two thermal ionization mass spectrometers (TIMS), and two laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) platforms, along with supporting rock preparation, mineral separations, and optical & electron beam imaging laboratories in the Department of Geosciences at Boise State University. Details of the Laboratory’s construction and facilities can be found on the IGL Infrastructure page. Visit the IGL Personnel page for profiles of our researchers.
Open Science

The IGL has been a node in the EARTHTIME Network for the Calibration of Earth History for the past 15 years. In the spirit of teamwork and cooperation fostered by this initiative, please take a look at our LABSHARE archive of analytical procedures used in the IGL for isotope geochemistry and geochronology.
Questions regarding the IGL’s collaborative services can be referred to Dr. Mark Schmitz (markschmitz@boisestate.edu), Dr. James Crowley (jimcrowley@boisestate.edu), or Dr. Darin Schwartz (darinschwartz@boisestate.edu).
Samples can be shipped c/o Dr. Schmitz to the address in the footer of this page. Before shipping samples to the IGL, please complete the sample template (for guidance see this SESAR_quickguideV7) and forward to iglinfo@boisestate.edu.