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Ellyn Enderlin

Photo of Ellyn Enderlin
Ellyn Enderlin portrait, Geosciences, faculty/staff, New Faculty Orientation Mobile Studio, Photo by Emma Thompson

Associate Professor

  • Ph.D. | The Ohio State University
    Earth Sciences, 2013
  • M.S.  | The Ohio State University
    Geological Sciences, 2010
  • B.S.   | Lehigh University
    Environmental Science, 2008


glaciology, ice-ocean interactions, remote sensing of polar and alpine regions, coupling in situ and remotely-sensed observations with numerical modeling, cryosphere-Earth system feedbacks, glacial hazards, climate change


  • GEOPH 497/597 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  • GEOG 361/561 Remote Sensing
  • GEOG 213 Atmosphere and Weather

Student Opportunities

There are currently openings for graduate and undergraduate students in my group! Check out my group website Ellyn Enderlin’s Website and the CryoGARS website for details on existing projects and email me if you’re interested in learning more.

Contact Information


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