* (denotes graduate student author)
** (denotes undergraduate student author)
Poulos, M. J., Smith, T. J., Benner, S. G., Pierce, J. L., Flores, A. N., Seyfried, M. S., & McNamara, J. P. (2021). Topographically moderated soil water seasons impact vegetation dynamics in semiarid mountain catchments: Illustrations from the Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, USA. Hydrological Processes, 35(12), e14421. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14421
Nielson, T*., Bradford, J., Pierce, J., Seyfried, M., 2021, Soil structure and soil moisture dynamics inferred from time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography, Catena.
Roehner, C.*, Pierce, J., Yager, E., 2020, Wildfire and Earth Surface Processes: Postfire Variation in Aeolian Deposition in the Northern Great Basin, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Vega, S.P*., Williams, C.J., Brooks, E.S., Pierson, F.B., Strand, E.K., Robichaud, P.R., Brown, R.E., Seyfried, M.S., Lohse, K.A., Glossner, K. and Pierce, J.L., 2019, Interaction of wind and cold‐season hydrologic processes on erosion from complex topography following wildfire in sagebrush steppe. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Ellett, N. G.*, Pierce, J. L., & Glenn, N. F. 2019. Partitioned by process: Measuring post‐fire debris‐flow and rill erosion with Structure from Motion photogrammetry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(15), 3128-3146.
Fowler, M*., Rad, A.M., Utych, S., Adams, A., Alamian, S., Pierce, J., Dennison, P., Abatzoglou, J.T., AghaKouchak, A., Montrose, L. and Sadegh, M., 2019. A dataset on human perception of and response to wildfire smoke. Scientific data, 6(1), pp.1-10.
Roehner, Clayton; Pierce, Jennifer; Yager, Elowyn; Glenn, Nancy F.; and Pierson, Frederick. (2019). Data Supporting the Characterization of Aeolian Material Deposited in the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed [Data set]. Retrieved from
Sadegh, M., J. Pierce, A. AghaKouchak, N. F. Glenn, and C. Curl (2018), Will clean air fade away?, Eos, 99, Published on 16 January 2018.
Poulos*, M. J., & Pierce, J. L. (2018). Alluvial fan depositional records from north and south-facing catchments in semi-arid montane terrain. Quaternary Research, 89 (1), 237-253.
McNamara, J. P., Benner, S. G., Poulos, M. J., Pierce, J. L., Chandler, D. G., Kormos, P. R., … & Aishlin, P. (2017). Form and function relationships revealed by long‐term research in a semiarid mountain catchment. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water.
Stanbery*, C.A; Pierce, J.L., Benner, S.G.; Lohse, K. (2017) On the rocks: Quantifying storage of inorganic soil carbon on gravels and determining pedon-scale variability. Catena 157 (2017): 436-442.
Will, Ryan M.; Benner, Shawn; Glenn, Nancy F.; Pierce, Jennifer; Lohse, Kathleen A.; Patton, Nicholas; Spaete, Lucas P.; and Stanbery, Christopher. (2017). Reynolds Creek – A Collection of Near-Surface Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Maps, GIS/Map Data (2017) [Data set]. Retrieved from
Pelletier, J.D., A.B. Murray, J.L. Pierce, P.R. Bierman, D.D. Breshears, B.T. Crosby, M. Ellis, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, A.M. Heimsath, C. Houser, N. Lancaster, M. Marani, D.J. Merritts, L.J. Moore, J.L. Pederson, M.J. Poulos, T.M. Rittenour, J.C. Rowland, P. Ruggiero, D.J. Ward, K.X. Whipple, A.D. Wickert, and E.M. Yager, 2015, Forecasting the response of Earth’s surface to future climatic and land-use changes: A review of methods and research needs. Earths Future.
Riley, K*., Pierce, J.L., Meyer, G.A., 2015, Vegetative and Climatic Controls on Holocene Wildfire and Erosion Recorded in Alluvial Fans of the Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho, The Holocene, 0959683615571423.
Kenworthy, M.*, Rittenour, T.M., and Pierce, J.L., 2014, Luminescence dating without sand lenses; An application of OSL to coarse-grained alluvial fan deposits of the Lost River Range, Idaho, USA. Quaternary Geochronology, v. 23 pp. 9-25.
Weppner, K.*, Pierce, J.L., Betancourt, J.L., 2013, Holocene Fire Occurrence and Alluvial Responses at the Leading Edge of Pinyon-Juniper Migration in the Northern Great Basin, Quaternary Research. V. 80, pp. 143-157.
Davis, J.D., C. V. Baxter, C.V., Crosby, B.T., Pierce, J.L., Rosi-Marshall, E., 2013, Incorporating indirect effects into a conceptual model for predicting the effects of global climate change on stream ecosystems. Ecosystems. DOI 10.1007/s10021-013-9653-4.
Poulos, M.J.*, Pierce, J.L., Flores, A.N. and Benner, S.G., Hillslope Asymmetry Maps reveal widespread Multi-Scale Organization. 2012, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 39, doi:10.1029/2012GL051283
Pierce, J.L., Meyer, G.A., and Rittenour, T., 2011, Terrace records of incision, aggradation, and relationships between hillslope erosion and main channel processes. Quaternary Science Reviews. v.30, p. 628-645.
Nelson, N.A.*, and Pierce, J.L., 2010, Holocene fire and climate in rangeland ecosystems of southwestern Idaho, The Holocene, 20(8) 1179–1194
Kunkel, M.** and Pierce, J.L., 2010, Reconstructing Snowmelt in Idaho’s Watershed Using Historic Streamflow Records, Journal of Climatic Change. Vol 98: 155-176.
Power MJ, Marlon J, Ortiz N, Bartlein PJ,. . . .Pierce J, 2008, Changes in fire regime since the Last Glacial Maximum: an assessment based on a global synthesis and analysis of charcoal data. Climate Dynamics, 30:887–907.
Pierce, J.L., and Meyer, G.A., 2008, The effects of Holocene climate change on fire regimes in Idaho ponderosa pine forests, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 17, pp. 85-95.
Pierce, J.L., Meyer, G.A., and Jull A.J.T., 2004, Fire-induced erosion and millennial-scale climate change in northern ponderosa pine forests: Nature, v. 432, p. 87-90.
Pierce, J.L., Meyer, G.A., Thackray, G.D., Wood, S.H., Lundeen, K., and Rothwell, E., Fire and ice in central Idaho: modern and Holocene fires, debris flows, and climate in the Payette River Basin, and Quaternary and glacial geology in the Sawtooth Mountains, 2004 Rocky Mountain Cordilleran Geological Society of America Field Guide.
Meyer, G.A., and Pierce, J.L., 2003, Climatic controls on fire-induced sediment pulses in Yellowstone National Park and Central Idaho: a long-term perspective: Forest Ecology and Management, v. 178, p. 89-104.
Meyer, G.A., Pierce, J.L., Wood, S.H., and Jull. A.J.T., 2001, Fires, storms, and sediment yield in the Idaho Batholith, Hydrological Processes, v. 15, p. 3025-3038.