GEOS200 Evolution of Western North America
Course Outcomes:
- Develop an understanding of the principles and mechanics of the scientific method, as used by geoscientists to study geological phenomena.
- Develop skills in field observation, critical thinking, and geological inference, applied to geologic mapping.
- Apply concepts from geology, geochemistry and geophysics to understand the geologic, magmatic and tectonic evolution of western North America.
- Achieve a familiarity with sources of scientific information and be able to utilize scientific literature.
This course is designed to provide future geoscientists with a basic understanding of how geological processes have shaped the structure and evolution of the western North American continent. The study of the geology of western North America in turn serves as a means of introduction to the nature of scientific investigation, and the research methods geologists apply to formulate and test geological hypotheses.
Course Assessment:
- 1) Attendance and Participation (10%) Participation in class discussions and completion of in-class exercises.
- 2) Midterm exam (15%) This will be an in-class short answer format exam.
- 3) Final Exam (15%) This will be a comprehensive short answer format exam.
- 4) Castle Rock Notebook (10%) Students will compile a detailed field notebook entry describing their observations of the sedimentary deposits of the Castle Rock field area.
- 5) Swan Falls Notebook and Lab Project (15%) Students will compile a detailed field notebook entry describing their observations of the phreato-magmatic deposits of the Swan Fall – Sinker Butte field area, and complete an in-class laboratory exercise on complementary analytical methods for studying igneous rocks.
- 6) Reynolds Creek Notebook (10%) Students will compile a detailed field notebook entry describing their observations of the geology of the Reynolds Creek field area.
- 7) Castle Rock Map Project (25%) Students will generate a compiled geologic map, cross section, and written report describing and interpreting the geology of the Castle Rock field area. Emphasis will be placed on using observations and supporting laboratory data to interpret the geologic significance and history of the western Snake River Plain.
- Extra credit: Summaries of selected Department Seminars (Mondays, 3:30-4:30) When the topic is appropriate (as announced in class), students who attend the Geosciences Department Seminar, write a one page narrative summary, and turn it in by beginning of class on the following Tuesday will receive up to 1% of the total course point total for each summary.
Required Text & Materials
- 1) The Geoscience Handbook, AGI Data Sheets, Fourth Edition, edited by J.D. Walker and H.A. Cohen; publisher: American Geological Institute
- 2) Field notebook (recommended: hardbound “Rite in the Rain” journal #390F or equivalent
- 3) Field mapping board (e.g. 2 – 10” x 12” plexiglass sheets duct-taped together) or clipboard
Course Schedule: Fall 2009
- Week 1: The Scientific Method
Lab: In class – Field Techniques Review - Week 2: Science Focus: The Snake River Plain
Lab: In field (Castle Rock) – Field Observations and Measurements: Snake River Plain Lithology and Superposition - Week 3: Making Geological Observations
Lab: In field (Swan Falls) – Field Observations and Measurements: Snake River Plain Phreato-magmatism - Week 4: From Observations to Hypotheses
Lab: In class – Laboratory Observations and Measurements: Geochemistry, Petrography and Remnant Magnetism - Week 5: Testing Hypotheses: Geologic Mapping
Lab: In field (Reynolds Creek) – Field Observations and Measurements: Snake River Plain Structure - Week 6: Stretching Our Horizons: Isotope Geochemistry
Lab: In field (Castle Rock) – Start Field Map - Week 7: Its About Time: Geochronology
Lab: In field (Castle Rock) – Continue Field Map - Week 8: Mid-Term Exam 10/15
Lab: In class – Constructing Cross-sections - Week 9: Neogene – Basin and Range, Extension and Magmatism
Lab: In field (Castle Rock) – Finish Field Map - Week 10: Cretaceous-Paleogene – Batholiths, Arcs and Core Complexes
Lab: In class – Castle Rock Map and Cross-section Compilation - Week 11: Early Mesozoic – Accreted Terranes
Lab: In class – Castle Rock Map Presentations - Week 12: Late Paleozoic – Antler and Sonoma Orogenies
Lab: In class – Field Report Work Period - Week 13: Early Paleozoic – Passive Margin
Lab: In class – Field Report Work Period - Week 14: Thanksgiving Holiday – No Classes
- Week 15: The Proterozoic – Continental Construction
Lab: In class – Field Report Work Period - Week 16: The Archean – Cratons