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Industry Information and Degree Path

With a GIMM degree, students will graduate with the knowledge to produce and manage innovative hardware and software. They learn how to develop and increase the usability of new applications on technology platforms and gain experience with a variety of development tools and programming languages, such as: C#, SWIFT, HTML5, the Adobe Creative Suite, Maya, and Unity.

Students who graduate with a GIMM degree are qualified for what the Bureau of Labor Statistics has identified as high growth professions including, but not limited to: Mobile App Developer, Video Game Designer, and Web Developer.

Goldman Sachs estimates the Virtual and Augmented Reality industries to grow to $80bn yearly in revenue by 2025.

GIMM Quick Facts

GIMM is a 4-Year Bachelor’s of Science Program. GIMM courses are offered once a year and need to be taken in a specific sequence. There are no prerequisites for declaring GIMM as a major. It is a rigorous program and requires hard work, but is rewarding. See below for a suggested course sequence.

Equipment Needs

New students are not required to purchase a powerful computer during their first year in the program. All GIMM students have access to our two computer labs, which contain both Alienware and Apple desktops. The GIMM lab also has a lot of equipment available for students to check-out, such as laptops, cameras, drawing tablets, and VR headsets.

Suggested Course Sequence