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Rachel Jeffries

Competitor Profiles

  • photo of Rachel Jeffries

    Rachel Jeffries

    Criminal Justice, MA

    Congratulations to the 2021 Three Minute Thesis finalists! Leading up to the final event, competitors have taken part in workshops and coaching sessions to cultivate their academic, presentation, and research communication skills.

    Learn more about Rachel below!

    Advised by Lisa Growette Bostaph

    Congratulations to the 2021 Three Minute Thesis finalists! Leading up to the final event, competitors have taken part in workshops and coaching sessions to cultivate their academic, presentation, and research communication skills.

    Learn more about Rachel below!


Police Officer Years of Service: Does it Play a Role In Officer Displays of Empathy?

Lipsky (2013) proposes that street-level bureaucrats may become negatively affected by the work conditions of public service, resulting in reduced levels of altruism throughout their careers. In accordance with Lipsky’s (2013) theory, it is presumed that years of service would be inversely related to displays of empathy with more years of service resulting in fewer displays of empathy. This exploratory study used Growette Bostaph et al.’s (2019) random sample of 200 domestic violence cases from 2016-2017 and identified the police officers involved in these cases to create a new sample. The author then gathered data on each officer’s years of service and used Growette Bostaph et al.’s (2019) measures of empathy to identify if empathy was displayed by the officer and the type of empathy, if applicable. Results are reported using descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis to determine if years of service predicts displays of empathy by police officers.


Greetings everyone, my name is Rachel and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Criminal Justice here at Boise State University. Outside of research and classes, I spend my time hiking the Boise foothills with my dogs, camping, and enjoying all of the amazing food Boise has to offer!