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Prepare for Your Advising Appointment

Building a Successful Academic Advising Relationship

The responsibility to establish an advising relationship rests with you! Plan to meet with your academic advisor on a regular basis and share the following information:

  • Academic and personal accomplishments before college entry (high school GPA, academic awards, school and community activities).
  • The degree to which your expectations of college are being met/not met and why.
  • The primary goals you hope to accomplish the first year and beyond.
  • Consider sharing when you might have special circumstances that might affect your academic and career goals, such as educational access, personal challenges, having to work for income, raising children to name a few.
  • An advising appointment can also be an excellent venue to conduct career exploration and planning issues-interests, abilities, and circumstances.
  • Ask about groups and organizations you want to join and the skills you hope to gain from participation.
  • Indicate career-related opportunities you would like to experience – internships, work, or volunteer.
  • Arrive on time for your appointment.
  • If you can’t make your appointment, call.
  • Bring all materials (e.g., transcripts, Academic Advisement Report, test scores if applicable, etc.)
  • Come prepared with questions.

Below are areas that our office can assist you with during your advising appointment and the suggested preparation options before scheduling/attending your meeting.  Click on the title of an area to display resources related to that area.