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New Policies on Application Appendices and Post Submission Materials

Re-posted from: NIH Center for Scientific Review

The use of NIH application appendices has been decreasing for some time, but they still create problems, which led NIH to further limit the types of materials that can be put in them starting January 25, 2017.

 Many applications containing appendices have had to be withdrawn because the appendices contained noncompliant materials (such as unpublished manuscripts, figures, tables and other data, or experimental methods). If appendices with such materials somehow made it to review, they could give the applicants an unfair advantage over other applicants who followed the rules.

The new appendix policy was designed to make the rules more simple and clear, to make the review process more fair for everyone, and to decrease the number of applications withdrawn for noncompliance.

Significant Change

Accepted manuscripts and non-publicly available papers (or publications of any kind) will no longer be allowed in an appendix, but news of an article accepted for publication since submission of the application will be allowed as post-submission materials.

Other Important Things to Know

  • Applications may still include appendices with informed consent/assent forms and blank surveys, forms, and other data collection instruments (as appropriate). In addition, applications containing clinical trials may include the clinical trial protocol and Investigator’s Brochure from an IND application, as appropriate — unless alternate instructions are provided in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA).
  • Unless a FOA requires certain information to be included in the appendix, reviewers are not required to consider the material in their review.

Learn More by Reading the new appendix policy in the NIH Guide.

Change to the Post-Submission Materials Policy
A new NIH Guide notice on post-submission materials mainly consolidates and clarifies current policy.
Change to the Post-Submission Materials Policy
“News” of a new publication is now specified as the List of Authors/Institutional Affiliations, Title of article, and Journal or citation (if available).