The campus community is invited to help bring a screening of “The Anonymous People” to Boise. The film will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24, at Edwards Boise Downtown Stadium 9 if 100 people reserve tickets by Sept. 9.
Tickets are $10. Reserve yours here.
The documentary is about the more than 23 million Americans living in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction. Deeply entrenched social stigma have kept recovery voices silent and faces hidden for decades. Now, courageous addiction recovery advocates have come out of the shadows and are organizing to end discrimination and move toward recovery-based solutions.
Teri Carrigan, director of the RADAR Center (Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Resource Center) located at Boise State, is helping to organize the event with Melanie Curtis, director of Supportive Housing and Innovative Partnerships.