The Student Nurses Association participated in a successful Friends in Action Caregiver Conference on Saturday, Jan. 31 in the Student Union Building. The conference was hosted and organized by the Friends in Action organization.
Friends in Action is a program of the non-profit Jannus Inc. It was launched in 2004 to provide education programs proven to help family caregivers take care of themselves, manage their stress, and manage
the challenges of living with long-term health issues. They provide nationally-recognized in-home support so family caregivers have tools and support to take care of themselves while they provide care to others. Their programs are funded through a mix of grants, contracts, donations and fundraising.

The Student Nurses Association members were able to take conference attendee’s blood pressures and share health promotion tips. The event was well attended with approximately 280 attendees and 150 vendors and volunteers. The School of Nursing is truly proud of the students’ contributions to the important community event.