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Fight the flu this season by receiving an annual vaccination

Health Services, Health Clinic,  Photo by Allison Corona

The best defense against getting the flu is to receive an annual flu vaccination. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone six months or older receives an annual flu vaccination; Health Services provides ample opportunities to receive a vaccination on campus.

Flu vaccines are available at Health Services during regular hours with no appointment necessary (please bring a university ID and insurance cards). To make the process even more accessible on campus, Health Services is providing three pop-up clinics during October at the following times and locations:

8-11 a.m. Oct. 7, Allen Noble Hall of Fame
8-11 a.m. Oct. 16, Albertsons Library
10 a.m.-noon Oct. 23, Micron Business and Economics Building
For more information and how to avoid contracting a cold or flu this season, visit Health Services’ handy prevention guide.