Students within the College of Health Sciences now have a specialized resource to help them become more career ready. Kelsey Nelson, career success coach, is one of the first ever college housed and focused career success coach and will reside in the Health Sciences Riverside building, room 117. Kelsey is one of two college housed, career success coaches with the other residing in the Department of Communications.
Nelson, who is a part of the Boise State’s Career Service’s new career success coach model, will provide students with college centered career success resources that are focused on careers surrounding all College of Health Sciences programs and majors.
Serving as a resource to students in numerous capacities, Nelson’s main focus as a career success coach for the college is to help students become more career ready. She hopes to achieve this by providing services such as exploring career options, learning about ways to gain additional experience, finding opportunities outside of the classroom to expand learning, assist with resumes and interviews, and more.
Students who take advantage of Nelson’s services throughout their college experience can receive personalized career planning by developing a career preparation plan for each year in a program that will help students achieve their goals prior to and after graduation.
Additionally, Nelson hopes to work closely with faculty and staff within the college. Nelson is a resource to both faculty and staff as she can provide assistance in articulating program experience that is crucial to future employers, help create curriculum that is tied to career readiness for students, and support career related events and activities. Nelson also provides numerous materials for faculty that are geared towards helping students understand how their program and program activities and experiences tie to a career. Faculty can share these materials in their classes or use them for student assignments.
“I am so excited to work directly with students, faculty, and staff within the College of Health Sciences,” said Nelson. “The opportunity to be a part of the new career success coach model that allows me to be housed in the same building that students are taking their classes is really unique as it allows me to be a more accessible resource and build relationships with the students to help them achieve career related outcomes. My door is always open and I want to encourage students, faculty, and staff to pop in at anytime!”
Nelson’s office is located in the Health Science Riverside building to be further accessible for Community and Environmental Health students, who may experience a higher need for career success coaching services. However, students of any College of Health Sciences major who are interested in scheduling an appointment with Kelsey Nelson can do so through handshake.
-By Taylor Music