First Place

Agriculture and Agriculture Tech. – HayTech, University of Idaho
HayTech offers affordable, universal Baler Performance Monitors. BPM is an easy-to-install, compact stroke counter and hay moisture monitor that saves hay bale producers valuable time and money. HayTech took home $10,000 in seed funding.
Technology, Consumer Product or Service – Doorstep, BYU Idaho
Doorstep is the answer to, “Honey what are we going to do tonight?” It’s an app that makes discovering and purchasing cool dates in your local area at a steep discount simple. We partner with local businesses that provide exceptional date experiences and get you deals specifically designed for daters. From your first date to your anniversary, Doorstep has you covered. Doorstep took home $10,000 in seed funding.
Social or Cultural Impact – Simu Daktari, Boise State University
Simu Daktari is a telemedicine service that brings affordable healthcare services to families living in rural Kenya who otherwise are unable to access quality healthcare services. Through the use of cellular phones and on-site health providers, rural Kenyans will not have to choose between working to provide food for their families and seeking medical care. Simu Daktari took home $10,000 in seed funding.
Health and Healthy Living – Free to Feed, Boise State University
Finally, women will be able to confidently breastfeed their food allergic children. Free to Feed, LLC provides science based content for food allergies and is developing an at-home test strip to allow mothers to screen their breast milk for the top eight allergen proteins. This will empower the thousands of parents who face infant food intolerances every year. Free to Feed took home $10,000 in seed funding.
Runner Up
- Agriculture and Agriculture Tech. – Lackey Custom Diesels, Lewis Clark State College, $7,000
- Technology, Consumer Product or Service – Tis the Season, Boise State University, $7,000
- Technology, Consumer Product or Service – United Federation of Gamers, College of Western Idaho, $2,500
- Technology, Consumer Product or Service – Neurochi Meditation, University of Idaho, $2,500
- Social or Cultural Impact – Pressed Dress, Boise State University, $7,000
- Health and Healthy Living – MaxVac, Idaho State University, $7,000
- Health and Healthy Living – MobiliToe, Boise State University, $5,000
Honorable Mention
- Belong & Brew, Boise State University, $500
- Idaho ReCampers, University of Idaho, $500
- Vandal Mobile Press, University of Idaho, $500
- You Sew Studio, University of Idaho, $500
New Awards in 2019
Minority-Founded Award Winners: Camp Mir, College of Idaho, $2,500
Minority-Founded Award Winners: Mezclilla Jeans, Idaho State University, $2,500
Jump Start Award: Lackey Custom Diesels, Lewis Clark State College, $2,500
Jump Start Award: Pressed Dress, Boise State University, $2,500
Woman-Founded Award Winners: FarmFed, BYU-Idaho, $2,500
Woman-Founded Award Winners: Free to Feed, Boise State University, $2,500
Woman-Founded Award Winners: Simu Daktari, Boise State University, $2,500
Final Pitch-Off Award Winner: Free to Feed, Boise State University, $2,500