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Boise State University is now a member of ORCID!

Boise State University is now a member of ORCID! ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) is the nonprofit organization that assigns ORCID IDs, a unique 16-digit number given to researchers, providing authors a method to assert ownership of their work and distinguish themselves from authors with similar names. ORCID has also emerged as a leader in the research ecosystem by allowing authors to add citations once and reuse often. Publishers, institutions, and funding agencies are harnessing the power of ORCID’s system to assert authorship, affiliation, and award information, and use the system to populate metadata in a number of connected platforms, including funding agency required bibliographic profiles.

As members of ORCID, Boise State researchers and authors are able to use their institutional login to create and/or access their ORCID profile. Instructions for connecting an existing ORCID profile or creating and connecting a new profile are available.

By becoming ORCID members, Boise State University is continuing its commitment to build the best educational and research experience through investment in open and sustainable infrastructure. Explorations for future enhancements include connections between various campus reporting systems, such as Faculty 180, as well as providing authorization to write directly to an ORCID profile. Connecting ORCID with existing campus systems could greatly reduce the time authors must spend entering biographic and bibliographic data into disparate systems.

For more information about ORCID, or if you have any questions about setting up your profile, reach out to Elisabeth Shook, Head of Scholarly Communications and Data Management at Albertsons Library.