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Course Reserves for Instructors

To request materials be placed on Reserve, please:

General Reserve Information

When all students in a class are required (or recommended) to use certain materials within a limited time, an instructor may place those materials “on Reserve.” Reserve materials have a shorter loan period (determined by the instructor) to ensure that all students have equal access. To continue this mission of providing equal access the Course Reserves system has moved to digital format for the 2021/2022 academic year. You may submit a request for a digital excerpt of a physical Course Reserves text through the Electronic Reserves Request Form.

Reserve materials may be library copies or instructors’ personal copies. Books, articles, recordings, videos, or other media can be placed on reserve. Reserve materials are shelved in a secure location that requires library staff assistance to access.

Please submit Reserve requests as early as possible, so the library can either attempt to purchase the needed material or recall it from other users, if checked out.

Books or articles requested through Interlibrary Loan cannot be placed on Reserve.

Copies of consumable material (such as workbooks) may not be placed on Reserve. Student work may be placed on Reserve only if the student agrees and signs a permission form.

Additional copies of Reserve materials may be ordered at the instructor’s request. Please ask at the Reserve Desk for additional information.

For guidance on copyright and legal issues, please refer to the Albertsons Library LibGuide on Copyright and Fair Use or the General Counsel’s website “Using Content for Library Reserves.”

Accessible Course Readings

We will create accessible scans of library materials or electronic permalinks for instructors to place in learning management systems (LMS) such as Canvas.

Faculty and instructors are encouraged to do a Fair Use analysis before posting documents on their LMS course sites. Albertsons Library Research Support team has developed a useful LibGuide to assist in advising on Copyright and Fair Use decisions in the classroom. The faculty at Albertsons Library have sourced this printable Fair Use Checklist PDF for your convenience. The Boise State University General Counsel website also has a Fair Use checklist you can utilize, along with general Fair Use guidelines about posting copyrighted content to course sites. Department librarian liaisons can help guide you with this assessment and offer their expertise.

The DIY Electronic Reserves document provides information on creating accessible PDFs and posting readings to LMS sites. If you have questions about course reserve materials, please call 208-426-1141 or email

Reserve Circulation, Loan Periods, and Fines

All Reserve materials must be checked out and returned at the ASK Desk on the first floor.

Loan periods for Reserve materials are usually one or two hours, or as long as a week, as determined by the instructor.

Fines for overdue Reserve materials are $ .50 for the first hour, and $ .25 for each subsequent hour, up to $2.00 per day. Two- or three-day Reserve materials and one-week Reserve materials are fined at $2.00 per day. Maximum fine is $10.00 per item. There is no grace period for Reserve materials. Fees for lost Reserves are the same as for the general collection.

Study Guides

A few study guides for civil service and academic exams, such as the LSAT, GMAT, ACT, etc., are on Reserve.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Access Services staff at or call 208-426-1204.