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Boise State team places second in global innovation competition

VIP students and faculty posing with the award certificate
From left to right: John Bieter, Nick Kohl, Gavin Coon, Connor Morton

Brain Health: VR-Scent for Alzheimer’s Detection, a Boise State Vertically Integrated Projects team won second place at the 2024 Vertically Integrated Project Consortium Innovation Competition held in Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia.

The events provides a forum for project teams from around the world to showcase their work and be recognized for their accomplishments. Vertically Integrated Project teams from any of the 44 institutions that are part of the consortium are eligible to enter the competition.  

The award was presented at the annual meeting which features project directors, coordinators and select students from around the world. This year, the Boise State attendees included a faculty lead and three students from the Brain Health team. Besides competing in the innovation competition, the students also presented a poster about their work.

“It was very strong competition, but all of the work that they did paid off,” said John Bieter, one of the Boise State faculty leads. “We are so proud of the students on our team.”

Executive Director of the Institute for Inclusive and Transformative Scholarship Donna Llewellyn agreed.

I am so proud of our VIP students – they produced the [competition entry] video completely themselves and did an amazing job showcasing their interdisciplinary work and accomplishments,” she said. 

Learn more about Vertically Integrated Projects at Boise State.