The Boise State School of Nursing welcomed two graduate students and one undergraduate student from the School of Nursing at Hangzhou Normal University in Hangzhou, China on Sept. 11. The students will be visiting Boise State through mid-December. The students are attending Community Health Nursing and Nursing Leadership and Management classes. In addition, the graduate students are starting their graduate projects while at Boise State. Along with their studies, Guo Xiaolu (Lorna), He Xiao (Lily) and Yu Huan (Wendy) will participate in Student Nurses Association activities and visit health care facilities in the area. The students’ learning goals include learning more about nursing education and nursing practice in the US, the health care system, and specific health care issues, such as palliative care, hospice and advanced practice nursing roles.
It’s not all studying and classes—the students also hope to experience American culture in their interactions with students and faculty. So far, the students have enjoyed a Boise State football game, bowling, movies, the Women’s Fitness Celebration, shopping, and even an Oktoberfest party. The Boise State School of Nursing International Nursing Opportunities Committee hopes lots of students and faculty will include the visiting students in their fun events. Just contact Barb Allerton at ballert@boisestate.edu to check out the student schedules.