Video Transcript – What to Expect
Learn what to expect from the Boise State Online MBA program from Brian O’Morrow, Sr. Director Online MBA, and Ally Daniels, Director and Advisor, Online MBA.
Video Transcript
Boise State University’s Master of Business Administration is fully online and we pride ourselves on designing our courses around the learner.
[Brian O’Marrow, Sr. Director, Online MBA] So we’ve really designed each and every class around the needs of the online learner. There’s a lot of advantage that you can gain from the way the assignments are made, the way the information is presented, that’s designed to maximize your experience in the program.
And our faculty and staff support you from day one.
[Ally Daniels, Director and Advisor, Online MBA] Boise State’s offerings really are great professors that are going to be there with you throughout the entire program, leading you, guiding you, being there if you need more information. And also the other classmates that you’re with, the high caliber of students that are in the classes that you’re working with on group projects that you’re learning from. They really coincide to create an experience that’s unique at Boise State, where you can learn from professors, from each other, network and actually have a fully integrated learning.
We set you up for success.
[Brian] We start at Boise State with two classes. There’s a one credit Business Foundations class. The other class in our start is the Design Thinking class and we think that’s important because it’s where you start any business. You have to start thinking about the customer and so Design Thinking gives you some basic business strategy, but more importantly, teaches you to focus your business around the needs of the customer.
[Ally] Our orientation course understands that not all students come from a business background or a business undergrad and the orientation course not only teaches you how to use our canvas, our online learning system, but it also provides a few tutorials and background pieces of information in accounting, economics, statistics and Excel. So that you can have confidence going in, that you are on the same page as everyone else and can start that accounting class with a little bit of background, more confident and prepared to succeed in that course.
No matter when you want to begin, there’s a start for you.
[Ally] We have six start dates per year, two each semester. So, if you’re thinking to apply this spring or next fall, we have multiple options that fit.
Carefully designed, highly reputable.
Boise State University College of Business and Economics. Online MBA. or call 208-426-5921.