Growth Mindset
Growth mindset is a research-based mental-framing process that may help you shift your perspective when you face challenging circumstances or struggle to succeed. Learning about growth mindset is often transformative for people. Not all situations are addressed by a growth mindset, but there are many in which it can genuinely help. Dr. Tromp addresses growth mindset in this video message.
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Learn more about growth mindset in this video.
Growth Mindset Video Transcript
Growth Mind-set vs Fixed Mind-set, brought to you by @ViSalus
Growth Mindset
- Intelligence can be developed
- Embrace challenges
- Persist in the face of setbacks
- See effort as a path to mastery
- Learn from criticism
- Find inspiration in the success of others. As a result, they reach even higher levels of achievement. All this gives them a greater sense of free will.
Fixed Mindset
- Intelligence is static
- Avoid challenges
- Give up easily
- See effort as fruitless or worse
- Ignore useful negative feedback
- Feel threatened by the success of others. As a result, they may plateau early and achieve less than their full potential. All of this confirms a deterministic view of the world.