Submissions for Poetry are open to one poem that was completed for coursework during the last calendar year. Submissions should not exceed 5 pages. Lyd Havens wrote the 2nd place submission in the Poetry Category for the 2022 President’s Writing Awards.
About Lyd

Lyd Havens is a writer, reader, fiber artist, and amateur photographer who graduated with a BFA in Creative Writing in December 2021. Her poetry has been published in Ploughshares, Poetry Northwest, and Tinderbox Poetry Journal, among others. Their chapbook, Chokecherry, was also published by Game Over Books in May 2021. When she isn’t reading or writing, she enjoys weaving, cooking, taking photos, making playlists, and rewatching various seasons of Survivor. Lyd is currently working on a full-length poetry collection, as well as a novel.
Winning Submission – St. Hildegard’s Feast Day
(Per the author’s request, “St. Hildegard’s Feast Day” is unavailable to access on this website).