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Rec Center Policies

Review the Rec Center Policies in the Policies section of this page or download a PDF copy of the Campus Rec Handbook.

Download Campus Rec Handbook (PDF)



Campus Recreation values an inclusive environment, as well as your health and wellbeing. Exposed skin can be at risk to disease exposure, therefore we encourage participants to clean fitness equipment before and after use. The following attire is required at all times:

A top and bottom must be worn at all times (exceptions are the locker room areas).

  • Tops and bottoms that have buttons or rivets on them are not allowed due to the potential damage to the equipment and others that they may cause.

Footwear requirements

  • Closed toe, non-marking athletic shoes are required in all fitness spaces and on all wood floors (i.e. basketball and racquetball courts, the group exercise studio, and multi-purpose rooms).

For specific appropriate and inappropriate clothing choices please visit the Patron Attire Policy.

Change of Address, Name, or Student Status

Please submit any changes of address, name, or student status to the Service Desk in person, by campus mail or snail mail. All changes must include the member’s signature.

Campus Recreation
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725-1711


The Student Recreation Center is equipped with an elevator providing access between the first and second levels of the facility.

Emergencies & Evacuation Procedures

In the event of a serious emergency, the Campus Recreation staff will direct patrons to a safe area. For your safety, and the safety of others, please follow all instructions given by the staff.


The Student Recreation Center is a single entry/exit facility. Please use the glass doors at the northeast corner of the building. Other exits are for emergency use only and are monitored with alarms. External access to the Outdoor Program is located at the southeast corner of the Student Recreation Center.

For entry to the Student Recreation Center and events, members must have a current University or Recreation ID card. Members may sponsor up to two (2) guests to join them in the facilities per day. Guests must present a photo ID to purchase a day pass at the Service Desk. Entry may be refused, privileges suspended or revoked with sufficient cause. Individuals using an ID other than their own to gain access to the Student Recreation Center risk having privileges suspended for both the individual using the false ID and the valid member.

Membership or day/guest pass is required to gain access to the facility.

Family Hours & Minor Policies

Campus Recreation welcomes dependent minor members and guests to participate and be active at the Rec. The following areas are available to dependent minor members as follows:

  • Access to the Student Recreation Center during Family Hours requires dependents to maintain a separate membership associated with a parent or guardian’s active membership.  An active member may also purchase a $6 day pass for their dependent to access the facility as a guest during Family Hours. Minors under the age of 2 do not need a Rec membership to access the facility.
  • Minors under the age of three (3) are not allowed in the facility except in the pool area under direct supervision of an adult.
  • Minors of all ages can visit the pool at any time during open pool hours. Parent/guardian supervision in the water is required for any child that can not swim.
  • Minors ages 3-15 may use the track, racquetball, and basketball courts during family hours (Friday 5 p.m. through Sunday 10 p.m.) and must be supervised by an adult during these times.
  • Minors ages 3-15 shall not enter any weight lifting or cardio equipment area except to access the track.  Minors ages 3-15 may not attend group fitness classes.
  • Minors 16-17 may use entire facility, including pools, strength, and cardio equipment, as well as attend group fitness classes during designated Family Hours with adult supervision.
  • Family Climbing hours run Monday – Thursday 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. and Sunday 2 – 6 p.m.
  • Minors ages 3-15 who fit into a REC-approved harness may use the climbing wall during family climbing hours with adult supervision.
  • All dependent members and guests must be accompanied by their parent/guardian or guest pass sponsor at all times.
  • All minors entering the REC must have an assumption of risk / waiver of liability form signed by a parent or legal guardian on file prior to entry.

Fitness Area Policies

  • Wiping down equipment before and after use is highly recommended.
  • A spotter us recommended for all challenging lifts. Campus Recreation staff does not spot.
  • Closed-toed athletic shoes are required; open-toed or heeled shoes are not allowed at any time.
  • Rerack any weight equipment in the proper location.
  • Use clips/collars on all Olympic bars.
  • Do not drop or slam weight equipment.
  • The use of lifting chalk is prohibited in all activity areas other than the Olympic Lifting Platform Area.
  • Personal amplified sound is prohibited; all media devices must use headphones.
  • Minors and guests ages 16-17 years old must be accompanied by their parent/guardian or guest pass sponsor.
  • Please limit cardiovascular workouts to 30 minutes when others are waiting.
  • Outside Personal Trainers are not allowed to train in Campus Recreation facilities.

Drug and Alcohol Use

Boise State is a smoke free environment. Smoking, e-cigarettes, tobacco products, drugs, and alcohol are not allowed in or around Campus Recreation facilities. Anyone exhibiting signs of being under the influence of a controlled substance will be denied entry.

Gender Inclusive Changing Room

Campus Recreation supports all gender identities. Students may either use the locker room/changing room that aligns with their gender identity or with their sex assigned at birth. We encourage students to use the locker rooms/changing rooms where they feel the most safe and comfortable.  Additionally, a gender inclusive locker/changing room is available near the entrance to the pool.

Children five (5) years and older are not permitted in the locker room of the opposite sex. However, the Student Recreation Center does have a gender inclusive and accessible changing area near the locker rooms.

Liability Waiver

All patrons are required to sign a liability waiver prior to using Campus Recreation facilities. Recreational and fitness activities pose an inherent risk; all users should consult a physician prior to participation. If you have special health considerations, allergies, or serious health conditions, please inform the Campus Recreation staff.

Locker Rooms

  • Locker rooms consist of shower facilities, sauna, restrooms, and changing areas as well as day use and lockers for rent.  For more information about renting a locker visit our locker page.
  • Photography and videotaping may not be conducted in the locker rooms and restrooms.
  • Items left in day use lockers at the time of closing will be removed, bagged and stored for 30 days. After 30 days items will be donated.
  • Students may either use the locker room/changing room that aligns with their gender identity or with their sex assigned at birth. We encourage students to use the locker rooms/changing rooms where they feel the most safe and comfortable. Additionally, a gender inclusive locker/changing room is available near the entrance to the pool.
  • Children above the age of five are not permitted in the locker room of the opposite sex. Minors age 6 – 13 must use a locker room under the supervision of an adult of the same sex or the gender inclusive changing room.  Minors age 14 – 17 may use appropriate gender designated locker rooms without direct adult supervision.

Lost & Found

Campus Recreation endeavors to ensure the proper handling and claiming of Lost and Found Property by establishing standardized Lost and Found Property procedures for the department.

Collection Procedures

  • Any found items are to be turned in to either of the service desks located within the Rec.
  • All collected items will be logged and safely stored by Rec staff
  • All collected items are transferred to Central Lost and Found (SUB Information Desk) on Fridays; High Value/High Risk items are transferred to the Department of Public Safety

Lost and Found Property Claims

  • Individuals looking to claim lost property may do so at either Service Desk located within the Rec.
  • An individual making a request for Lost and Found Property must present identification, such as a driver’s license or student ID, and provide a description of the item before the item will be returned.

Member ID

All Campus Recreation patrons are required to have either their Boise State University ID Card, Campus Rec ID, or Boise State Rec App (ID Barcode) upon every entry to the facility.

Patrons who do not have a card or are having card issues will need to visit the Information Desk at the Student Union Building

All patrons will be allotted 3 “Forgot ID” passes each academic semester (Summer, Fall, Spring).

Each visit without one of the three acceptable forms of access will result in the use of one of the allotted “Forgot ID” passes.

In the event a patron has used all 3 of their allotted passes they will not be allowed into the facility without their ID card or ID Barcode through the Boise State Rec App.

Multi-Purpose Rooms

Multi-Purpose #1 is available for informal use when the room is not reserved. If others are waiting, we ask that you limit your activities to one hour, or share the room with the person/group waiting. Sharing the room is at the discretion of the person or group using the room first.

Heavy bags are available in Multi-Purpose #1 when the room is available. All users must wear hand wraps, gloves, or tape. Non-marking, closed-toed shoes are required. Body-to-body contact is not permitted.

Participation Expectations

Campus Recreation is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for patrons. The staff will proactively intervene to support an environment where all members and guests can enjoy the facilities and programs free from the following behaviors:

  • Foul/abusive language or obscene gestures
  • Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption or illegal drug use
  • Fighting, taunting, or threatening remarks or gestures
  • Spitting
  • Horseplay posing safety risks to participants or others
  • Mistreating of dumbbells, weights, or any equipment
  • Displays of affection not appropriate in a public setting
  • Obscene or indecent clothing
  • Any disruption to the progress of a sanctioned activity
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct
  • Obtaining entrance under false pretense


Due to the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, Campus Rec have transitioned to a cashless operation.

Forms of payment

Campus Rec currently accepts the following forms of payment

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • Checks
  • Payroll deduction is available for benefit eligible faculty and staff members (Only applies to membership costs)

Personal Care Assistant (PCA)

Personal Care Assistants (PCA) are eligible to access the Student Rec Center with an active member to aid them in their activities.

  • PCAs will be required to sign the Campus Recreation Liability Waiver.
  • PCAs can only access the Rec Center with the individual needing assistance and must remain with the individual during the visit.
  • PCAs with no affiliation to Boise State University are ineligible to purchase a membership.
  • PCAs may not participate in recreation and/or fitness activities.
  • PCAs are ineligible for member discounts as well as other member privileges.
  • Please contact the Member Services Coordinator for arrangements and questions.

Personal Items

Please store all items in a locker. Day lockers are available throughout the facility and in both locker rooms. Unattended items will be collected and considered lost if they are not stored in a locker.

Personal Training & Instruction

Personal training and instruction is limited to Campus Recreation staff. Instruction for pay or trade by outside entities is strictly prohibited and could jeopardize membership privileges for all parties involved.


We welcome service animals to our playground.

Photography and Filming

The Student Recreation Center is a private space, therefore, photography and videography is strictly regulated past the turnstiles and requires advance notice and explicit permission. Requests to film or photograph within the Student Recreation Center must be sent to the Associate Director, Programs and Communication at least two (2) business days in advance. Photography requests for the Aquatic Center are granted on an extremely limited basis and, due to this limitation, requests must be made 10 business days in advance.

  • Filming or photography for class projects, group practices, newspapers, articles, and all other media must abide by this policy.

Once approved by Campus Recreation, all persons obtaining photos, videos, or other forms of media within the Student Recreation Center will be given a media pass. This pass must be worn and plainly displayed during the entirety of the photo/video shoot. Persons without an approved media pass will be asked to cease filming and must contact the Associate Director, Programs and Communication for permission to return at a later time for media needs. Passes are not granted day-of even in cases where the patron is up against a media or class deadline. Advance notice is required in all situations.

All photography/videotaping must be done using care for patrons and personal privacy must be respected. If participants may be identified in any shot, their explicit permission must be obtained. Participants have a right to decline being in any shot.

Selfie Policy

Patrons’ cell phones may be used to take photos or videos of themselves or friends
working out within the facility and must remain for personal use only. In the event that Campus Recreation staff suspect a guest is inappropriately using the cell
phone privilege or if their engagement in selfies is causing discomfort to others, they will be asked to put their phone away or leave the facility if they continue to violate the policy.


Purchase of memberships and services, including locker and/or towel service, are non-refundable.

Any patron(s) seeking a refund as the result of unforeseen circumstance(s) may submit a formal refund request either directly through the program area or at the front desk of the Rec. Submitted requests do not guarantee a refund will be approved.

Removal from Facility or Program

Campus Recreation reserves the right to remove anyone whose behavior is unruly or illegal in nature. Membership privileges will be revoked without a refund and the individual(s) will be escorted from the facility.

Strollers in the Facility

Minors in strollers, infant seats, or carrying devices (slings, wraps, backpacks, etc.) are only allowed in locker rooms and the Aquatic Center.

  • All strollers brought into the Aquatic Center must have a working wheel lock mechanism and the lock mechanism must be engaged at all times that the stroller is not being moved by a parent or guardian.
  • Strollers or infant seats in the Aquatic Center must remain at least three feet from the water at all times.
  • Minors in strollers or infant seats must remain in within a step and reach away from their parent/guardian. They may not be left unattended for any length of time.
  • Strollers and infant seats must be placed in a safe place and may not impede the ability of other users to move through the facility.

Students not paying the Student Activity Fee

The Student Recreation Center is funded through a combination of student fees and other membership revenue.  Full time students (11+ credits) paying into semester activity fees gain access to the Rec without paying any additional fees for membership.  Part-time students paying into semester activity fees are eligible to purchase a part-time student membership.

Any student that is of full time or part time status and does not pay into the activity fees (i.e., on a “fee waiver”) can gain access to the Rec by purchasing a membership that correlates best with the membership category with which they belong.  For example, a faculty/staff member that is taking classes on a fee waiver is eligible to purchase a Boise State Community Membership at that rate.  Seniors, and others, on fee waivers may fall into either the Boise State Community or Friends of Boise State category, depending on their affiliation to the university.

Non-students or part time students on a fee waiver must have an affiliation to Boise State to be eligible for membership. Categories for affiliation are as follows:

  • Boise State Community – this category includes faculty, staff, affiliates and those recognized by the University with emeritus status.
  • Friends of Boise State – this category includes Current members of the Alumni Association, President’s Circle and Varsity B members.

Visit the Membership Categories and Fees page for more information.

Visitor/Tour Policy

Non-rec users that are interested in touring the facility and/or observing a rec program area that is not facilitated through the University or Campus Rec Program area will need to abide by the facility’s policies and expectations.

How to Access the Facility

  • Non-rec users or non-University sanctioned visitors need to sign in at the front desk.
  • Patron signing must have a photo ID.
  • If visiting with a large group. One patron from the group is able to sign for the whole tour. For example, a family of four shows up to walk around. Only one parent needs to sign in.
  • If spectating an intramural game, the guest will need to be with the player from the team.


  • Self-guided are available all day and Campus Rec facilitated tours are offered based on student staff availability.
  • Visiting Patrons are responsible for personal items and belongings. Employees are not allowed to store items behind desks, equipment desk lockers, and counter space.
  • Visiting patrons are not allowed to use facility and equipment rentals.
  • The visitor(s) will need to be together at all times.
  • Campus Recreation reserves the right to deny access to non-rec members if policies and expectations are not abided.

Bicycles & Other Wheeled Vehicles

Campus Recreation supports the use of alternative transportation; however, wheeled vehicles (e.g., bicycles, skates, skateboards, and scooters) are prohibited in the Student Recreation Center and on the exterior plaza. Bicycles may be parked in the provided racks on the east side of the plaza at the owner’s risk. Bicycles and scooters locked to fences, handrails, trees, or signs risk being removed. Skates, skateboards, and scooters carried into the building must be stored in a locker or one of the facility storage racks.

Comments & Concerns

Please direct comments and concerns to the Service Desk or email any comments to or visit the computer kiosk at the end of our Service Desk.

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