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June Grant Writing News

Research Development & Grant Writing Newsletter

The June 2023 issue of the Research Development & Grant Writing Newsletter is out!

This month’s Featured Articles include:

  • June 2023 Select List of Humanities, HSS, and Arts Opportunities & News
  • Applying for an NEH Humanities Initiative at Your College or University
  • What is Use-Inspired Science and Why Do You Need to Know That?
  • Plagiarism, Fabrication, and Falsification
  • The Chips & Science Act: What is it Funding?
  • NSF BioFoundries & Related Programs
  •  Planning to Write as a Team
  • Avoiding A Common Reviewer Complaint: Descriptive Research
  • Do You Know Where Your Research Fits in Your Discipline’s State of the Art?

The Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter is available to faculty, staff, students, and affiliates with log-in access to the Albertsons Library. This subscription is sponsored by the Division of Research and Economic Development with support from the Albertsons Library. For reference, previous newsletters are located here.