Division of Research and Economic Development (DRED)
Request for Support  (Google Form)
This page includes resources for all research offices within the Division of Research and Economic Development. Our forms and templates are frequently updated. To ensure you have the most recent versions, please download the forms and templates from our website each time you need them.
Use the links below to jump to the listed sections. Are you looking for policies? Visit our policies page.
Request for Support  (Google Form)
Export Control  (PDF)
InfoEd (Site, VPN required)
InfoEd (Site, VPN Required)
InfoEd (Site, VPN Required)
IACUC Create a New Protocol (Initial Submission)
IACUC Copy an Existing Protocol – useful when continuing work under an expiring protocol.
Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (PDF)
This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) may be used to discuss confidential topics in the process of identifying a collaboration or procurement opportunity. To expedite the negotiation and signature process, please ask your external collaborators or vendors to:
This will send the partially signed NDA to OTT for countersignature. If the information entered by the external party checks out (e.g., name and entity type/jurisdiction match the Secretary of State filing exactly, the university faculty/staff member desires to enter into the arrangement), OTT will sign the NDA and all parties will automatically receive the fully signed copy. All university employees who will have access to external parties’ confidential information will be required to acknowledge, via reply email, that they (1) have read and understand the NDA and (2) will comply with its terms and conditions. (Note: Unpaid university students will not be covered by university NDAs, but instead, will have to sign separate NDAs with the external parties in their personal capacities.)
Questions about this NDA process should be directed to techtransfer@boisestate.edu.
Industry Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (11-22-2023) (DOCX)
The Industry Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement was designed for efficiency and consistency with our Industry-Sponsored Research Agreement and with industry sponsors’ needs in mind.
Invention Disclosure Form (DOCX)
The Invention Disclosure Form (IDF) is the first step in a process that could potentially lead to the commercialization of your technology. It is designed to elicit information to aid in the reporting of inventions to appropriate outside parties and in the evaluation of whether to pursue patent protection for the invention. Please contact the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) at techtransfer@boisestate.edu if you have any questions completing the form.
Facility Use Agreement (DOCX)
The Facility Use Agreement is an agreement that permits external parties to use the University’s scientific and other facilities on a short-term and full-cost recovery basis. You may share the following form with external parties, but please contact OTT at techtransfer@boisestate.edu for assistance drafting and executing the agreement.
Material Transfer Agreement / MTA Request Form (Google Form)
The sharing of tangible research materials typically requires a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) between the provider and recipient. An MTA is a legal contract to protect the rights of both entities to set terms and conditions regarding intellectual property, ownership, publication, permitted use, and liability.
The University investigator completes an MTA Request Form. OTT and the Office of Research Compliance (ORC) will review the request to determine transfer requirements:
The investigator works with applicable University departments to complete the transfer requirements. The material is transferred.
Copyright Disclosure Form  (DOCX)
The Copyright Disclosure Form (CDF) is the first step in a process that could potentially lead to commercialization of your creation. It is designed to elicit information to aid in the reporting of creations to appropriate outside parties and in the evaluation of whether to pursue copyright protection for the creation. Please contact OTT at techtransfer@boisestate.edu if you have any questions about completing the form.