Notarized Forms
Please print off the following forms and have them notarized. They are part of the application and must be notarized. Once you have your forms notarized, please scan and upload them to your MSW application. The registrar’s office can notarize your documents.
*The School of Social Work is currently not taking appointments for notarizing forms at this time. Some alternate options are: most banks have a notary on-staff and will notarize for their clients either free of charge or for a small fee. If you don’t have a local bank or if yours does not have a notary, usually small postal shops also have notary services for a small fee (ie: Mailboxes Etc., The UPS Store, Postal Annex, etc.). Be sure to bring with you a picture ID with your name and signature on it and to NOT pre-sign the forms (only sign forms in the presence of the notary).*