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About Michael Kreiter


I graduated from Boise State University in 2014 with a degree in Sociology and another in multiethnic Studies. After graduation, I moved to Ohio to attend graduate school at Kent State University. While there, I earned a Master’s degree in Sociology. I am currently completing my dissertation to earn a PhD in Sociology from Kent State. I was lucky enough to move back to Boise in 2018 and still work on my dissertation. I’m glad to be back in Boise. I enjoy Boise as a city, and I am happy to now work for Boise State as an instructor. When not teaching or working on research, I take advantage of the many outdoor opportunities in Idaho that I enjoy, such as running, cycling, camping, hiking, and river floating.

Research Interests

My research interests are focused on social inequalities, including areas of race, gender, class, and sexuality. My current research is investigating cultural reproduction of inequality through discourse in science-fiction fandom.