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About Soulit Chacko

Dr. Soulit Chacko (pronounced as “Sou-lee”) is a feminist, critical race scholar interested in embodied, transnational kinship and care. Dr. Chacko’s work focuses on everyday experiences of immigrants, refugees, and children of immigrants in the U.S.

Soulit has a M.A /Ph.D. in Sociology from Loyola University Chicago and completed a two year postdoctoral research position at Indiana University Purdue University. She has published in both academic and public facing platforms, drawing attention to how laws and policies impact underrepresented communities, as well as showing how groups respond by creating their own narratives.

Dr. Chacko’s teaching pedagogy reiterates bell hooks’ emphasis on helping students engage in a critical learning process by building an interest in one another, hearing each other’s perspectives, and recognizing their presence through the collective effort of creating and sustaining a learning community. Collectively, Dr. Chacko has five years of experience teaching sociology classes where they have developed three new syllabi. Classes taught include sections of Sociology of Family, Sociology of Sex and Gender, Sociology of Sexuality in Society, and Introduction to Sociology. This academic year, Dr. Chacko is teaching two sections of Racism and AntiRacism (Fall/Spring), and a section of Asian American Experiences (Spring).