About FCN
The Family Caregiver Navigator is a pilot project of the Idaho Caregiver Alliance, a coalition of individuals and organizations that have been supporting caregivers since 2012. The ICA received a 2-year grant to develop the Family Caregiver Navigator project in order to offer support and resource referrals to unpaid caregivers of Idaho.

The mission of the FCN program is to enhance resilience and systems of support by providing person-centered counseling, custom care planning and resource referral to family caregivers across the lifespan.
Goals of FCN
1) Help people identify as caregivers: Help people identify, accept and engage in their role as a caregiver so they can build a strong system of support for long-term sustainability.
2) Contribute positively to existing systems and services: Contribute to an integrated network of services for Idahoans; build systems with our community partners rooted in human-centered design.
3) Keep Idahoans healthy and at home: Keep Idahoans healthy and living in their homes as long as possible; enhancing quality of life in order to cut down use of crisis services and long-term care facilities.