Healthy Habits, Healthy U (HHHU) is a collaboration among St. Luke’s Mountain States Tumor Institute (MSTI), Boise State University (BSU), and the Boise School District (BSD). HHHU started in April 2013 as a community outreach initiative designed to teach and reinforce positive health habits in children. HHHU focuses on the positive connection between increased physical activity and healthy food and beverage choices, and reduced cancer risks. HHHU is two-day educational program that is integrated BSD health curriculum. Since 2014, HHHU has reached over 4,000 fourth and eighth-grade students, along with parents and guardians.
This program really leverages the partnership between Boise State University and St. Luke’s MSTI. Day one is taught by the teacher and focuses on what cancer is and how healthy habits can reduce cancer risks. Day two is taught by St. Luke’s MSTI and Boise State University personnel who reinforce the previous lesson by using interactive discussions and hands on activities. St. Luke’s pathology provides students with a unique opportunity by donating cancerous and noncancerous tissue samples for the students to examine in small groups. The samples give the students a better understanding of how poor health habits can increase cancer risks and impact the function of various organs. After a recap of the lessons, the students write out their current poor health habits and two specific steps they can take to improve their behaviors. St. Luke’s MSTI provides a water bottle and small beach ball to increase water intake and promote physical activity.
Boise State College of Health Science featured HHHU in a story on August 11, 2016
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