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Women and Leadership Skill Builders


  • Allen, Rhea

    Rhea Allen

    Unlock your Creative Superpowers!

    Are you ready to discover your creative superpowers?  Want to wield your powers more effectively when speaking to your audience and the other artistic superheroes in your life? Join us for this inspiring presentation, and unlock all the very best versions of your creative self!

     Participants will get:
    • An overview and deeper understanding of the different strengths finder and personality style assessment tools to help you uncover your unique strengths and how to adapt your style to your creative process.  Tools to help your audience better understand you so they can embrace your individuality as the superpower it truly is!
    • Ideas, practical tips, and tricks for recognizing personal strengths and styles in others and how they can augment or enhance your own during the creative process.
    • Free personality test resources
    • A free Adobe assessment to discover your creative personality
    • One Month Free access to the Community, a premium member subscription-based site to help you build your brand and your bottom line.
    9/30/21 - 10:45 AM

    Unlock your Creative Superpowers!

    Are you ready to discover your creative superpowers?  Want to wield your powers more effectively when speaking to your audience and the other artistic superheroes in your life? Join us for this inspiring presentation, and unlock all the very best versions of your creative self!

     Participants will get:
    • An overview and deeper understanding of the different strengths finder and personality style assessment tools to help you uncover your unique strengths and how to adapt your style to your creative process.  Tools to help your audience better understand you so they can embrace your individuality as the superpower it truly is!
    • Ideas, practical tips, and tricks for recognizing personal strengths and styles in others and how they can augment or enhance your own during the creative process.
    • Free personality test resources
    • A free Adobe assessment to discover your creative personality
    • One Month Free access to the Community, a premium member subscription-based site to help you build your brand and your bottom line.
  • Anderson, Becky

    Becky Anderson

    Conflict Resolution GPS

    Conflict is an inevitable part of life which most people find difficult to navigate.  It can be as intimidating and terrifying as being lost in the wilderness without a map.  Yet with the proper framework, it is possible to navigate through conflict to an outcome that leaves both parties in a better place.  This workshop will give you a “GPS” framework of Goals, Principals and Strategies which will empower you to transform conflict into positive outcomes.  You will gain tools that are simple and easy to understand and implement in all types of conflict including family conflict, work place conflict and legal disputes.  Participants will have the opportunity to apply the GPS system in practical exercises in the workshop and will have a take home guide for ongoing success.

    9/30/21 - 10:45 AM

    Conflict Resolution GPS

    Conflict is an inevitable part of life which most people find difficult to navigate.  It can be as intimidating and terrifying as being lost in the wilderness without a map.  Yet with the proper framework, it is possible to navigate through conflict to an outcome that leaves both parties in a better place.  This workshop will give you a “GPS” framework of Goals, Principals and Strategies which will empower you to transform conflict into positive outcomes.  You will gain tools that are simple and easy to understand and implement in all types of conflict including family conflict, work place conflict and legal disputes.  Participants will have the opportunity to apply the GPS system in practical exercises in the workshop and will have a take home guide for ongoing success.

  • Mary Bicknell

    Mary Bicknell

    How to Get Over Mental B.S. (Blindspots) and Lead a Life Uncommon™

    There is an epidemic of women who have forgotten how to take true control of their time so they can eliminate overwhelm, frustration and being stuck. It’s time to change this so every woman can feel fulfilled, express her potential and enjoy the results of those audacious goals.

    Society typically defines success by the achievement of time and money freedom. Yet, the very first freedom you need to achieve is emotional freedom. Mastering your mind, your emotions, and your thinking is your top priority. Getting unstuck will be the very thing to allow you to finally do whatever the hell you want, whenever you want to, unapologetically.

    In this talk, Mary teaches proven psychological strategies & shifts to remove your self-imposed psychological glass ceiling so you can feel confident and unstoppable.

    Key Points & Take-Aways:

    • The Complain and Compare Trap: how to shift your default thinking and eliminate this toxic addiction.
    •  How to recognize which one of the 4 next level, new devil triggers feed self-sabotage and how using this one simple method will stop it once and for all.
    • Identify which one of your multiple personalities deserves a high-five, a hug or a time out to help you achieve explosive success.
    • The Art of the Beneficial Brag: Confidently embrace your superpower without feeling like a snot.
    • Why, as an overachiever, ripping off your Crazy Busy Badge of Worthiness is the most adult, liberating achievement of your life and how doing so will allow you to transition from machine mode mogul to present and grounded wife, mother & lover.
    9/30/21 - 10:45 AM

    How to Get Over Mental B.S. (Blindspots) and Lead a Life Uncommon™

    There is an epidemic of women who have forgotten how to take true control of their time so they can eliminate overwhelm, frustration and being stuck. It’s time to change this so every woman can feel fulfilled, express her potential and enjoy the results of those audacious goals.

    Society typically defines success by the achievement of time and money freedom. Yet, the very first freedom you need to achieve is emotional freedom. Mastering your mind, your emotions, and your thinking is your top priority. Getting unstuck will be the very thing to allow you to finally do whatever the hell you want, whenever you want to, unapologetically.

    In this talk, Mary teaches proven psychological strategies & shifts to remove your self-imposed psychological glass ceiling so you can feel confident and unstoppable.

    Key Points & Take-Aways:

    • The Complain and Compare Trap: how to shift your default thinking and eliminate this toxic addiction.
    •  How to recognize which one of the 4 next level, new devil triggers feed self-sabotage and how using this one simple method will stop it once and for all.
    • Identify which one of your multiple personalities deserves a high-five, a hug or a time out to help you achieve explosive success.
    • The Art of the Beneficial Brag: Confidently embrace your superpower without feeling like a snot.
    • Why, as an overachiever, ripping off your Crazy Busy Badge of Worthiness is the most adult, liberating achievement of your life and how doing so will allow you to transition from machine mode mogul to present and grounded wife, mother & lover.
  • Nancy Buffington

    Nancy Buffington

    Getting Back to Basics: Resolving Conflict Through Stories

    “A villain is someone whose story you don’t know yet.”

    Most of us are tired of fighting, arguing, and insulting each other on social media about the issues of the day. It’s unpleasant, exhausting—and it doesn’t even work to “enlighten” our opponents or enhance understanding. Sometimes it works better to dial down the volume, share rather than shout, listen rather than lecture. In this interactive session, we’ll apply recent polarization research and explore how stories can (re)build connection, restore trust, and get us talking again in a stressed-out world.

    Getting Back to Basics: Resolving Conflict Through Stories

    “A villain is someone whose story you don’t know yet.”

    Most of us are tired of fighting, arguing, and insulting each other on social media about the issues of the day. It’s unpleasant, exhausting—and it doesn’t even work to “enlighten” our opponents or enhance understanding. Sometimes it works better to dial down the volume, share rather than shout, listen rather than lecture. In this interactive session, we’ll apply recent polarization research and explore how stories can (re)build connection, restore trust, and get us talking again in a stressed-out world.

  • Copple Masingill

    Caitlin Copple Masingill

    Unlocking the Power of Your Influence: Public Relations 101

    This session is aimed at women leaders who want to be seen and sought after as industry experts in order to maximize their impact on the causes they care about most. If public relations intimidates you, or you struggle to find your authentic voice when communicating about your brand or cause, this session is for you. You’ll learn how newsrooms make decisions on what to cover, the power of thought leadership, and how to pitch yourself or your organization in a way that captures the attention of the news media. This session is led by Caitlin Copple Masingill, founding partner at Full Swing Public Relations. Her clients have appeared in the New York Times, TIME Magazine, Marketplace, Forbes, Fast Company, and many more. She lives in Boise.

    Full Swing PR Instagram

    Unlocking the Power of Your Influence: Public Relations 101

    This session is aimed at women leaders who want to be seen and sought after as industry experts in order to maximize their impact on the causes they care about most. If public relations intimidates you, or you struggle to find your authentic voice when communicating about your brand or cause, this session is for you. You’ll learn how newsrooms make decisions on what to cover, the power of thought leadership, and how to pitch yourself or your organization in a way that captures the attention of the news media. This session is led by Caitlin Copple Masingill, founding partner at Full Swing Public Relations. Her clients have appeared in the New York Times, TIME Magazine, Marketplace, Forbes, Fast Company, and many more. She lives in Boise.

    Full Swing PR Instagram

  • Copple Masingill

    Caitlin Copple Masingill

    How to Run for Local Office

    Have people told you that you should run for office, but you question whether you’re qualified and if you are, where to start? In this training, you’ll understand the foundation you need to build in order to run for office in the next three years, and how to shape your personal brand to strengthen your candidacy. We’ll also cover the six key elements of a campaign plan. This session is led by Caitlin Copple Masingill, who at age 28 became the first openly LGBTQ person elected to the Missoula, Montana City Council. Today, Caitlin is the co-founder of Electable, where she helps train women to run, win, and lead in local public office, particularly candidates in communities under 100,000. Caitlin’s day job is running a communications firm for women leaders, Full Swing PR. She lives in Boise.

    Full Swing PR LinkedIn Page

    How to Run for Local Office

    Have people told you that you should run for office, but you question whether you’re qualified and if you are, where to start? In this training, you’ll understand the foundation you need to build in order to run for office in the next three years, and how to shape your personal brand to strengthen your candidacy. We’ll also cover the six key elements of a campaign plan. This session is led by Caitlin Copple Masingill, who at age 28 became the first openly LGBTQ person elected to the Missoula, Montana City Council. Today, Caitlin is the co-founder of Electable, where she helps train women to run, win, and lead in local public office, particularly candidates in communities under 100,000. Caitlin’s day job is running a communications firm for women leaders, Full Swing PR. She lives in Boise.

    Full Swing PR LinkedIn Page

  • Stacy Ennis

    Stacy Ennis

    Influential Communication: Develop Your Core Leadership Message to Grow Your Influence

    Effective, resonant communication begins with understanding who you are as a leader, and crafting a clear message that defines you. In this workshop, best-selling author Stacy Ennis shares strategies from the writing world to help you craft your core leadership message, from defining your value to selecting the right words to describe yourself as a leader. With deep internal clarity, you’ll be emboldened to show up to the next client engagement, boardroom meeting, or networking event with grounded confidence.

    9/29/21 - 10:45 AM

    Influential Communication: Develop Your Core Leadership Message to Grow Your Influence

    Effective, resonant communication begins with understanding who you are as a leader, and crafting a clear message that defines you. In this workshop, best-selling author Stacy Ennis shares strategies from the writing world to help you craft your core leadership message, from defining your value to selecting the right words to describe yourself as a leader. With deep internal clarity, you’ll be emboldened to show up to the next client engagement, boardroom meeting, or networking event with grounded confidence.

  • Peggy Farnsworth

    Peggy Farnworth

    Where are You on the Pathway to Retirement?

    Are you preparing for retirement right now? You should be. Join me in this Skill builder session to gain insight on:

    • Stepping Stones that Work for You
    • Stepping Stones to Avoid
    • Steps to Enhance Your Retirement

    We will be exploring tools and behaviors that can help us or hinder us in our preparation for retirement.

    Where are You on the Pathway to Retirement?

    Are you preparing for retirement right now? You should be. Join me in this Skill builder session to gain insight on:

    • Stepping Stones that Work for You
    • Stepping Stones to Avoid
    • Steps to Enhance Your Retirement

    We will be exploring tools and behaviors that can help us or hinder us in our preparation for retirement.

  • Sarah Freeman

    Sarah Freeman

    Improving Communication With Visual Tools

    We’ve all been in meetings when we’ve seen two people talk past each other. When both parties feel like they’ve clearly expressed themselves only to be misheard. It’s something that happens to all of us and even the most effective communicators among us are occasionally misunderstood. Visual thinking or picture thinking is the process of understanding the world around us in images, and it represents a key tool in communication strategies, as well as processing our own internal thinking. Still, a lot of us avoid these kinds of activities because we don’t think of ourselves as artistic. But visual thinking is so much more than drawing, and it represents a valuable method for problem solving, communication, and creative thinking. This session will introduce you to the concept of visual thinking, describe the benefits of this kind of cognition, and provide some strategies for implementation in your own life.

    9/30/21 - 1:45 PM

    Improving Communication With Visual Tools

    We’ve all been in meetings when we’ve seen two people talk past each other. When both parties feel like they’ve clearly expressed themselves only to be misheard. It’s something that happens to all of us and even the most effective communicators among us are occasionally misunderstood. Visual thinking or picture thinking is the process of understanding the world around us in images, and it represents a key tool in communication strategies, as well as processing our own internal thinking. Still, a lot of us avoid these kinds of activities because we don’t think of ourselves as artistic. But visual thinking is so much more than drawing, and it represents a valuable method for problem solving, communication, and creative thinking. This session will introduce you to the concept of visual thinking, describe the benefits of this kind of cognition, and provide some strategies for implementation in your own life.

  • Vanessa Fry headshot

    Vanessa Fry, PhD

    Pragmatic Inquiry in Leadership

    The workshop Pragmatic Inquiry in Leadership will cover the process of applying the concepts of pragmatic inquiry when serving in a leadership role. I will first discuss how it helped develop me as a leader and then provide tools and resources for attendees so they can use it in their leadership practice. The workshop will help attendees be able to expand their thinking beyond standard assumptions which will help them interpret challenges in new ways. Attendees will learn that the result of the process may be a small adjustment in plans or a complete change in direction. Attendees will be asked to come to the workshop with a challenge or question they want to address and during the workshop so they can actively engage in the inquiry process.

    9/29/21 - 10:45 AM

    Pragmatic Inquiry in Leadership

    The workshop Pragmatic Inquiry in Leadership will cover the process of applying the concepts of pragmatic inquiry when serving in a leadership role. I will first discuss how it helped develop me as a leader and then provide tools and resources for attendees so they can use it in their leadership practice. The workshop will help attendees be able to expand their thinking beyond standard assumptions which will help them interpret challenges in new ways. Attendees will learn that the result of the process may be a small adjustment in plans or a complete change in direction. Attendees will be asked to come to the workshop with a challenge or question they want to address and during the workshop so they can actively engage in the inquiry process.

  • Devin Geddings

    Devin Geddings

    Investing 101

    Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, oh my! Would you like to wrap your head around finance lingo and what you should be thinking about with your money? Join CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, Devin Geddings, to explore the constantly changing options available to everyday investors. She will cover what to consider, what to avoid, and how to take your finances one step at a time.

    9/29/21 - 10:45 AM

    Investing 101

    Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, oh my! Would you like to wrap your head around finance lingo and what you should be thinking about with your money? Join CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, Devin Geddings, to explore the constantly changing options available to everyday investors. She will cover what to consider, what to avoid, and how to take your finances one step at a time.

  • whitney hansen

    Whitney Hansen

    Money Mindset: Steps to Building Your Money Plan

    Do you feel a bit of anxiety when you think about your finances? Tired of wondering where all your money is going? Feel like you need to build a healthier money mindset? This workshop is for you!

    Designed specifically for beginners who are just getting started with their financial journey, you’ll learn how to build an easy-to-implement system to create a budget, expedite debt payoff, get a solid cash cushion in place, and start feeling good about your financial life today.

    Note: This session will be pre-recorded and not live.

    9/30/21 - 10:45 AM

    Money Mindset: Steps to Building Your Money Plan

    Do you feel a bit of anxiety when you think about your finances? Tired of wondering where all your money is going? Feel like you need to build a healthier money mindset? This workshop is for you!

    Designed specifically for beginners who are just getting started with their financial journey, you’ll learn how to build an easy-to-implement system to create a budget, expedite debt payoff, get a solid cash cushion in place, and start feeling good about your financial life today.

    Note: This session will be pre-recorded and not live.

  • Heikka, Genny

    Genny Heikka

    The Power of YOU

    The unique value you bring to your company (and your community) is more important now than it’s ever been. In a time filled with change and challenges, people are increasingly the differentiating factor in leadership, influence and success. And any sort of transformation you want to see in the world starts with you. When you know what differentiates you and lean into that with confidence, it helps you:

    • Have the greatest positive impact.
    • Stand out as your best self and thrive.
    • Find more meaning in your role by connecting who you are to what you do.

    This session gives you a fresh perspective on personal branding and equips you with inspiration and a clear road map to strengthen your personal brand so you can make more of an impact… by being you!

    9/29/21 - 10:45 AM

    The Power of YOU

    The unique value you bring to your company (and your community) is more important now than it’s ever been. In a time filled with change and challenges, people are increasingly the differentiating factor in leadership, influence and success. And any sort of transformation you want to see in the world starts with you. When you know what differentiates you and lean into that with confidence, it helps you:

    • Have the greatest positive impact.
    • Stand out as your best self and thrive.
    • Find more meaning in your role by connecting who you are to what you do.

    This session gives you a fresh perspective on personal branding and equips you with inspiration and a clear road map to strengthen your personal brand so you can make more of an impact… by being you!

  • Hilary Horton-Brown

    Hilary Horton-Brown

    Creating an Empowering Meditation Practice

    Hilary teaches meditation that helps people learn how to quickly check in with themselves to see how they are feeling and to add some calm and self-acceptance to what arises, hopefully with a sense of humor. Her style of meditation embraces the highs and lows of life with recognition, not judgment.

    Described by clients as a meditation guide who is part health coach and part woo-woo with a huge dose of real added in, Hilary is excited to share what she has learned about how to easily make meditation an empowering practice in your life. Her style is far less about “clearing your mind” and much more about the rhythms of the thoughts, emotions and to-do lists that arise. It’s the cool concept that meditation is so much easier than its stereotype.

    Centering, as Hilary calls it, is possible for everybody. She doesn’t mess around, this can all be done in 15 minutes in the morning and a few 30 second check-ins during the day. She includes yoga and setting intentions in her approach. Meditation is a free flow time where no decisions are made. There are very few suggestions, other than don’t judge what comes up and try not to tell stories during your 15 minutes of centering. Therein lies the secret – how to notice/feel whatever has come up without BEING whatever has come up and without “rabbit holing” or telling long stories about it. Then dropping back into the calm. With time (that’s why it’s called a meditation practice, give yourself a hot minute to learn to settle in) you will start feeling meditation’s effects in all areas of your life.

    Hilary’s intention is for you to leave this session knowing in very simple terms how meditation works and why it is a game changer in today’s world. To offer you a possibly whole new and empowering perspective on what meditation is (and more importantly what it isn’t.) To inspire you to try centering. She knows from both personal and professional experience that the effects are far reaching.

    9/29/21 - 10:45 AM

    Creating an Empowering Meditation Practice

    Hilary teaches meditation that helps people learn how to quickly check in with themselves to see how they are feeling and to add some calm and self-acceptance to what arises, hopefully with a sense of humor. Her style of meditation embraces the highs and lows of life with recognition, not judgment.

    Described by clients as a meditation guide who is part health coach and part woo-woo with a huge dose of real added in, Hilary is excited to share what she has learned about how to easily make meditation an empowering practice in your life. Her style is far less about “clearing your mind” and much more about the rhythms of the thoughts, emotions and to-do lists that arise. It’s the cool concept that meditation is so much easier than its stereotype.

    Centering, as Hilary calls it, is possible for everybody. She doesn’t mess around, this can all be done in 15 minutes in the morning and a few 30 second check-ins during the day. She includes yoga and setting intentions in her approach. Meditation is a free flow time where no decisions are made. There are very few suggestions, other than don’t judge what comes up and try not to tell stories during your 15 minutes of centering. Therein lies the secret – how to notice/feel whatever has come up without BEING whatever has come up and without “rabbit holing” or telling long stories about it. Then dropping back into the calm. With time (that’s why it’s called a meditation practice, give yourself a hot minute to learn to settle in) you will start feeling meditation’s effects in all areas of your life.

    Hilary’s intention is for you to leave this session knowing in very simple terms how meditation works and why it is a game changer in today’s world. To offer you a possibly whole new and empowering perspective on what meditation is (and more importantly what it isn’t.) To inspire you to try centering. She knows from both personal and professional experience that the effects are far reaching.

  • Johnna Johnson

    Johnna Johnson

    Navigating Change With Clarity & Confidence

    Are you currently in a position in life where you are experiencing change? Are you a new mom, empty nester, new homeowner, newly promoted, going through a divorce, recently unemployed, moving? We are experiencing unbelievable doses of change in all areas of our lives. And it is stressful and sometimes debilitating.

    Many of these changes are out of our control and some of them are! We often view change as out of our control and we feel unprepared, unwilling, and often unable to make or embrace the change! If you want to be successful, happy and resilient, though, you must learn how to navigate change with clarity and confidence.

    This workshop will uncover the 4 phases of change and excellent strategies on how to move through the phases and ultimately EMBRACE the changes you are experiencing today and tomorrow!

    9/29/21 - 10:45 AM

    Navigating Change With Clarity & Confidence

    Are you currently in a position in life where you are experiencing change? Are you a new mom, empty nester, new homeowner, newly promoted, going through a divorce, recently unemployed, moving? We are experiencing unbelievable doses of change in all areas of our lives. And it is stressful and sometimes debilitating.

    Many of these changes are out of our control and some of them are! We often view change as out of our control and we feel unprepared, unwilling, and often unable to make or embrace the change! If you want to be successful, happy and resilient, though, you must learn how to navigate change with clarity and confidence.

    This workshop will uncover the 4 phases of change and excellent strategies on how to move through the phases and ultimately EMBRACE the changes you are experiencing today and tomorrow!

  • lauren Lee

    Lauren Lee

    Meditation in Times of Confusion and Crisis

    Now more than ever, we all need moments of calm and peace within our days. Those still moments nourish us to be able to show up in the world and lead. As your friendly meditation guide, I’ll teach you how to use meditation effectively during times of confusion and crisis. You will walk away with tangible tools, practices, and education to help navigate our world today. Meditation will not make our global problems disappear overnight but it will give you the tolerance to persevere. I’m honored to sit with you and can’t wait to meet you! (A short stress-relief guided meditation will be provided in this session. No experience required.)

    9/30/21 - 10:45 AM

    Meditation in Times of Confusion and Crisis

    Now more than ever, we all need moments of calm and peace within our days. Those still moments nourish us to be able to show up in the world and lead. As your friendly meditation guide, I’ll teach you how to use meditation effectively during times of confusion and crisis. You will walk away with tangible tools, practices, and education to help navigate our world today. Meditation will not make our global problems disappear overnight but it will give you the tolerance to persevere. I’m honored to sit with you and can’t wait to meet you! (A short stress-relief guided meditation will be provided in this session. No experience required.)

  • abby louie

    Abbey Louie

    Five Drivers of Team Health

    The two most influential factors in employee engagement and performance are the employee-supervisor relationship and team dynamics. In this session, we’ll dive into factor number two—team dynamics—as we explore a neuroscience-based framework for creating healthy, high-performing teams. You’ll leave with a clear roadmap for strengthening trust and connection on your team that will bring out the best thinking, collaboration, and innovation in every member.

    9/29/21 - 1:45 PM

    Five Drivers of Team Health

    The two most influential factors in employee engagement and performance are the employee-supervisor relationship and team dynamics. In this session, we’ll dive into factor number two—team dynamics—as we explore a neuroscience-based framework for creating healthy, high-performing teams. You’ll leave with a clear roadmap for strengthening trust and connection on your team that will bring out the best thinking, collaboration, and innovation in every member.

  • Melisa Meral

    Melisa Meral

    Pivoting with Purpose

    2020 was truly the year of the pivot. As the world scrambled to discover new strategies, new business ideas, and new ways of living, many also realized what’s NOT working in their lives and businesses. So how can you pivot more toward your purpose? It starts with getting strategic about where you’re spending your time. Melisa Meral, a productivity consultant and professional organizer, is ready to help you get on your path to smarter goal setting and time blocking. She’s all about time management, productivity strategies, and structured routines to help people achieve their goals. Join us for this informational and interactive workshop which will leave you feeling inspired and re-energized as you continue to evolve in life and business!

    9/29/21 - 1:45 PM

    Pivoting with Purpose

    2020 was truly the year of the pivot. As the world scrambled to discover new strategies, new business ideas, and new ways of living, many also realized what’s NOT working in their lives and businesses. So how can you pivot more toward your purpose? It starts with getting strategic about where you’re spending your time. Melisa Meral, a productivity consultant and professional organizer, is ready to help you get on your path to smarter goal setting and time blocking. She’s all about time management, productivity strategies, and structured routines to help people achieve their goals. Join us for this informational and interactive workshop which will leave you feeling inspired and re-energized as you continue to evolve in life and business!

  • Melisa Meral

    Melisa Meral

    Let’s Get You Organized

    The minimalist generation is upon us. Gone are the days of the Great Depressioners holding on to everything and Baby Boomers storing away items in their homes like pack rats. We’ve entered a time for capsule wardrobes, tiny homes, and minimalistic lifestyles. But decluttering your home, your life, and your mindset is no easy feat. Melisa Meral, a professional home organizer for the past 10 years, has discovered strategies to help you achieve quick wins so that you can take baby steps toward organized success! It’s time to remove pockets of stress from your daily life- stress that can come in the form of too many decisions, too many obligations, and TOO MUCH STUFF! In this interactive and informational workshop, you’ll get tips and tricks on how to dive into the emotional side of clutter so that you can be free from the stuff that weighs you down in life.

    9/30/21 - 1:45 PM

    Let’s Get You Organized

    The minimalist generation is upon us. Gone are the days of the Great Depressioners holding on to everything and Baby Boomers storing away items in their homes like pack rats. We’ve entered a time for capsule wardrobes, tiny homes, and minimalistic lifestyles. But decluttering your home, your life, and your mindset is no easy feat. Melisa Meral, a professional home organizer for the past 10 years, has discovered strategies to help you achieve quick wins so that you can take baby steps toward organized success! It’s time to remove pockets of stress from your daily life- stress that can come in the form of too many decisions, too many obligations, and TOO MUCH STUFF! In this interactive and informational workshop, you’ll get tips and tricks on how to dive into the emotional side of clutter so that you can be free from the stuff that weighs you down in life.

  • Matt Niece

    Matt Niece

    Understanding the Psychological Impacts of 2020 and How to Move Forward with Grace

    In the past year we’ve been consumed by an unprecedented pandemic, heightened racial inequities, an emotionally charged and divisive political climate, and natural disasters. Not to mention all the other curveballs life tends to throw at us. If the stress did or continues to negatively impact your daily functioning, your relationships, or how you feel about yourself, that makes sense. Like all humans right now, believe it or not, you are grieving. Please join this session to learn more about what the research suggests are the biggest psychological impacts of 2020 and, by applying a lens of grief and loss work, understand healthy ways to adapt to changes, make meaning of these changes, and move forward with a greater sense of control and grace.

    9/30/21 - 1:45 PM

    Understanding the Psychological Impacts of 2020 and How to Move Forward with Grace

    In the past year we’ve been consumed by an unprecedented pandemic, heightened racial inequities, an emotionally charged and divisive political climate, and natural disasters. Not to mention all the other curveballs life tends to throw at us. If the stress did or continues to negatively impact your daily functioning, your relationships, or how you feel about yourself, that makes sense. Like all humans right now, believe it or not, you are grieving. Please join this session to learn more about what the research suggests are the biggest psychological impacts of 2020 and, by applying a lens of grief and loss work, understand healthy ways to adapt to changes, make meaning of these changes, and move forward with a greater sense of control and grace.

  • Donna O'Kelly

    Beyond Fear: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

    Impostor syndrome is the feeling of doubt and insecurity about your accomplishments and success, and a fear of being exposed as a fraud. Anyone can experience Impostor Syndrome, but it’s particularly prevalent among high achievers. In this Skill Builder, nuclear chemist Dr. Donna O’Kelly will bring her experience working in a male-dominated STEM field and share science-backed techniques to overcome Impostor Syndrome. She’ll dive into what the research says about Impostor Syndrome and help you discover and develop a few techniques to overcome challenges associated with those feelings. Participants will walk away with the tools to identify Impostor Syndrome and learn how to manage it. They will be given tools to be their authentic self, have the confidence to say, “I don’t know”, and how to ask for help.

    9/29/21 - 1:45 PM

    Beyond Fear: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

    Impostor syndrome is the feeling of doubt and insecurity about your accomplishments and success, and a fear of being exposed as a fraud. Anyone can experience Impostor Syndrome, but it’s particularly prevalent among high achievers. In this Skill Builder, nuclear chemist Dr. Donna O’Kelly will bring her experience working in a male-dominated STEM field and share science-backed techniques to overcome Impostor Syndrome. She’ll dive into what the research says about Impostor Syndrome and help you discover and develop a few techniques to overcome challenges associated with those feelings. Participants will walk away with the tools to identify Impostor Syndrome and learn how to manage it. They will be given tools to be their authentic self, have the confidence to say, “I don’t know”, and how to ask for help.

  • Mario Pile

    Mario Pile

    Knowing Your Core Values and Using Them To Help Make Decisions

    Our values shape our everyday lives. From the interactions we have with others to how we live our life to the way we view the world. In this workshop, you will learn not only to identify what values are important to you but how they can guide you in decision-making processes. This will be an interactive, group discussion that will help you in all aspects of your life.

    9/29/21 - 1:45 PM

    Knowing Your Core Values and Using Them To Help Make Decisions

    Our values shape our everyday lives. From the interactions we have with others to how we live our life to the way we view the world. In this workshop, you will learn not only to identify what values are important to you but how they can guide you in decision-making processes. This will be an interactive, group discussion that will help you in all aspects of your life.

  • Megan Powers

    Megan Powers

    Marketing Strategy Essentials to Build & Maintain Trust

    Everything we do in business should be approached strategically. You have a goal — now, how are you going to accomplish this goal? In marketing this is particularly important, as the tools and opportunities are in constant flux (social media, anyone?).

    To establish and maintain trust we should actually look at our marketing (to anyone) as building and maintaining relationships. You’re trying to drive sales, yes, but if you approach it with a strategic, heart-centered approach? Then you will build trust and not just generate transactions, but create relationships that lead to more business, more referrals, and more opportunities.

    You will take from this session inspiration and ideas to help you strategically build and maintain trust in your business relationships.

    3 Learner Outcomes:

    • Learn tips on how to build out a marketing strategy.
    • Learn how to approach your customers and prospects as a community.
    • Discover how this community will help you achieve these goals over time (hint: there’s no “overnight” solution!).
    9/30/21 - 1:45 PM

    Marketing Strategy Essentials to Build & Maintain Trust

    Everything we do in business should be approached strategically. You have a goal — now, how are you going to accomplish this goal? In marketing this is particularly important, as the tools and opportunities are in constant flux (social media, anyone?).

    To establish and maintain trust we should actually look at our marketing (to anyone) as building and maintaining relationships. You’re trying to drive sales, yes, but if you approach it with a strategic, heart-centered approach? Then you will build trust and not just generate transactions, but create relationships that lead to more business, more referrals, and more opportunities.

    You will take from this session inspiration and ideas to help you strategically build and maintain trust in your business relationships.

    3 Learner Outcomes:

    • Learn tips on how to build out a marketing strategy.
    • Learn how to approach your customers and prospects as a community.
    • Discover how this community will help you achieve these goals over time (hint: there’s no “overnight” solution!).