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Lane Gillespie, Ph.D.

Associate Professor


Ph.D., Criminology (2013).  University of South Florida.
M.A., Criminology (2010).  University of South Florida.
B.A., Criminology (2007).  North Carolina State University.


Refereed journal articles:

Richards, T. N. & Gillespie, L. K. (2019). Domestic violence perpetration, victimization, and overlap among serious juvenile offenders: Trajectories of emerging adulthood. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 10.1177/0886260519881000

Gillespie, L. K., King, L. L., Bostaph, L. G., & Goodson, A. (2019). Crime victim service providers’ needs and barriers: Rurality and ‘high need’. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 10.1177/0886260519834100

Richards, T. N., Gillespie, L. K., Kafonek, K., & Johnson, M. (2019). An examination of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP): Perspectives on implementation, help-seeking, and victim empowerment. Violence Against Women, DOI: 10.1177/1077801219880965

Gillespie, L. K., & Reckdenwald, A. (2017). Gender equality, place, and female victim intimate partner homicide: A county-level analysis in North Carolina. Feminist Criminology, 12(2), 171-191.

Richards, T. N.; Gillespie, L. K.,  and Givens, E. M.. (2014). “Reporting Femicide-Suicide in the News: The Current Utilization of Suicide Reporting Guidelines and Recommendations for the Future”. Journal of Family Violence, 29(4), 453-463.

Gillespie, L. K.,  Loughran, T. A.,  Smith, M. D.,  Fogel, S. J., and Bjerregaard, B.. (2014). “Exploring the Role of Victim Sex, Victim Conduct, and Victim–Defendant Relationship in Capital Punishment Sentencing”. Homicide Studies, 18(2), 175-195.


Gillespie, L. K.  and King, L. (2014). “Legislative Origins, Reforms, and Future Directions”. Sexual Victimization: Then and Now.  Ed. Tara N. Richards and Catherine D. Marcum. Sage Publications.

Selected Works from Lane Gillespie: