Lisa Growette Bostaph, Ph.D.
Lisa Growette Bostaph, Ph.D.
Ph. D., Criminal Justice (2004). University of Cincinnati.
M. A., Linguistics (1991). Gallaudet University.
B. A. S., Communication Disorders (1988). University of Minnesota-Duluth.
(see current CV for full listing)
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
Cares, A., Madero-Hernandez, A., Growette Bostaph, L.M., & Fisher, B. (2021). For or against? Criminal justice and criminology faculty attitudes towards trigger warnings. Available through Taylor & Francis Online at Journal of Criminal Justice Education.
Growette Bostaph, L.M., Comer, B, & Ropp, J. (2021). Factors influencing graduate director recommendations to Ph.D. programs in criminal justice and criminology. Taylor & Francis Online at Journal of Criminal Justice Education.
Growette Bostaph, L.M. (2021). State v. Clarke: One year later. Practitioner Comment. University of Idaho Law Review Spotlight, 1(4): 6. Available online at:
Growette Bostaph, L.M., King, L.L., & Brady, P.Q. (2021). How victim credibility and cooperation influence police decision-making: Examining DOJ’s gender bias principles for effective investigations. Now available in Policing: The International Journal of Police Strategies & Management via EarlyCite at
Growette Bostaph, L.M. & Wintrow, M. (2021). We can move mountains. Engaging in state-level policy work. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 37(2): 212-220.
Gillespie, L.K., King, L.L., Growette Bostaph, L.M., & Goodson, A. (2019). Crime victim service providers’ needs and barriers: Rurality and “high need”. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, now available in OnlineFirst at
Books/Journal Editors
Growette Bostaph, L.M., Cares, A., & Fisher, B.S. (2021). Teaching about victimization in the #MeToo era. Co-editors of the special issue of the Journal of Criminal Justice Education. (Forthcoming).
Growette Bostaph, L.M. & Swerin, D.M. (Eds). (2016). Victimology: Crime victimization and victim services. New York, NY: Aspen Publishers.
Externally Funded Projects
Growette Bostaph, L.M. & King, L.L. (2021). Fifteen year evaluation of the XX Family Justice Center. Funded by the XX Family Justice Center Foundation in XX, ID (1 year project, $20,000).
Growette Bostaph, L. M., King, L., Gillespie, L., & Wells, J. (2021). Victimization of People with Disabilities in Idaho. Funded by the Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities in Boise, ID (3-year project, Data collection stage, $75,000).
Growette Bostaph, L. M., King, L., & Gillespie, L. (2019). Biannual Report on Crime Victims and Victim Services in Idaho. Funded by the Idaho Council on Domestic Violence & Victim Assistance/Idaho Department of Health & Welfare in Boise, ID (Funded, $267,061).
Growette Bostaph, L.M., King, L., & Brady, P.Q. (2018). Gender bias in police response to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Funded by the XX Police Department in XX, ID as a subcontract to a grant from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) (Funded, $36,927).
Growette Bostaph, L.M., King, L., & Brady, P.Q. (2018). Gender bias in police response to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Submitted to the Nampa Police Department in Nampa, ID as a subcontract to a grant from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) (Funded, $36,927).
Growette Bostaph, L.M. (2016). Initial evaluation of the Idaho Risk Assessment of Dangerousness (IRAD). In partnership with the Idaho Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence under the Byrne/JAG funding (federal pass-through) (Funded, $30,380).
Growette Bostaph, L.M. (2016). Ten year evaluation of the XX Family Justice Center: Demographic and services analysis. Contract with the XX Family Justice Center (Funded $5,320).
Gillespie, L.K. & Growette Bostaph, L.M. (2014). Foundational analyses for Justice Reinvestment reform in Idaho. Contract with ACLU-Idaho (Funded $5,000).
Growette Bostaph, L.M., King, L.L., & Gillespie, L.K. (2013). Victim services in the 21st century: Proposal for a statewide needs assessment. Contract with the Council on Domestic Violence & Victim Assistance, Idaho Department of Health & Welfare (Funded $97,037).
Technical Reports
King, L.L., Growette Bostaph, L.M., Gillespie, L.K., Wells, J., & Jeffries, R. (2020). Idaho crime victim service provider survey results. Biennial Report on Victimization & Victim Services in Idaho, 1(2): 1-20. Boise, ID: Boise State University.
Growette Bostaph, L.M., King, L.L., Gillespie, L.K., Wells, J., & Jeffries, R. (2020). Idaho’s Sexual Assault Kit Initiative: The effect of HB528 on sexual assault clearance rates. Biennial Report on Victimization & Victim Services in Idaho, 1(3): 1-19. Boise, ID: Boise State University.
King, L.L., Growette Bostaph, L.M., Gillespie, L.K., Wells, J., & Jeffries, R. (2020). Idaho crime victim survey. Biennial Report on Victimization & Victim Services in Idaho, 1(4): 1-14. Boise, ID: Boise State University.
Growette Bostaph, L.M., Jeffries, R., King, L.L., & Gillespie, L.K. (2020). Emerging issues in victimization: The impact of the Clarke decision on policing response to victimization. Biennial Report on Victimization & Victim Services in Idaho, 1(1): 1-20. Boise, ID: Boise State University.
Growette Bostaph, L.M., King, L., & Brady, P.Q. (2018). Gender bias in police response to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, An IACP demonstration project: Baseline analysis. Boise, Idaho: Boise State University*
Growette Bostaph, L.M., Fontaine, E., & Schubin, M. (2017). The distribution of risk in intimate partner violence cases: The Idaho Risk Assessment of Dangerousness. Boise, Idaho: Boise State University.
King, L.L. & Growette Bostaph, L.M. (2017). Demographic analysis of clients served at the Nampa Family Justice Center, October-December 2013. Boise, ID: Boise State University.
Growette Bostaph, L.M., King, L., Gillespie, L.K., & Goodson, A. (2015). Crime victims in Idaho: An assessment of needs and services. Boise, ID: Boise State University.