The third–annual Graduate Student Showcase on April 10th was an opportunity to celebrate and highlight graduate research at Boise State. Graduate students from all programs at Boise State University presented their work and talents, connected with other students and faculty and gained conference experience. Two of IPI’s very own researchers presented their project titled, “How can Boise State University Engage with Ada County Stakeholders to End Homelessness?”.

Their research concluded that homelessness services providers in Ada County interact within a complex network and that it is incorrect to believe that the success or failure to end homelessness in Ada County rests on the back of any one organization. Their research found the greatest opportunities to create lasting change can be found in relationships and strengthened through facilitation and coordination. They also concluded that if Boise State is to play a role in this change, it must not consider itself immune from engagement in the network, as both a peer and a consultant. They further noted that Boise State University is in a uniquely advantageous position to aid in ending homelessness in Ada County because academic research is in high demand among homelessness service providers looking for data to determine and support best practices. Boise State faculty, staff and students can provide program evaluation, technical assistance, training and facilitation network-wide.