We aren’t just researchers here at the Idaho Policy Institute. Get to know the team with a 25 Questions series.

Q: What’s keeping you busy these days?
A: Writing my master’s thesis
Q: Three things you could talk about for 30 minutes straight?
A: Education, My family and Broadway shows
Q: Were you named after anyone?
A: My great-grandmother’s last name was McAllister
Q: Favorite place to be?
A: Anywhere I’m with my whole family
Q: Oddest job(s)?
A: I worked doing noxious weed control in high school, but instead of spraying the weeds, we introduced insects that ate the seed heads of the weeds and prevented them from ever coming back.
Q: Favorite vacation, real or imaginary?
A: Any beach, anywhere – never disappoints
Q:Â What would you name your autobiography?
A: Washed Up Math Teacher: Career Change at 25 and a lifetime of loving to do things I’m really bad at
Q: What was the scariest thing to you as a kid?
A: I was always really concerned that my house was going to burn down, now I am just deeply terrified of snakes.
Q: What did you study for your undergraduate degree?
A: Sociology #soc4life
Q: What kind of problems do you best solve?
A: I’m really good at algebra, geometry, algebra 2, and pre-calculus. I’m also really good at adding/subtracting and multiplying/dividing in my head.
Q: Something you can’t do?
A: I cannot whistle
Q: What sport are you best at?
A: Soccer and Twister
Q: Last book you read or are currently reading?
Q: All-time favorite TV show?
A: Gilmore Girls
Q: How would your best friend describe you?
A: Caring, committed, and excessively chatty
Q: Did you fail any classes? If so, which one(s)?
A: Calculus 2, Linear Algebra, and Fundamentals of Mathematics (all one semester)
Q: What are your parent’s occupations?
A: My dad teaches high school math and my mom teaches kindergarten
Q: Do you have any pets? How many? What kind?
A: I have a standard poodle and two cats that came together because they were best friends at the cat rescue. They are my only friends.
Q: Last movie that made you cry?
A: Homecoming: a Film by Beyonce
Q: Favorite career moment?
A: Any time I would have a student who really struggled with math and then did the work and would get a good grade on a test. Their response when that happens is incomparable.
Q: In a team environment, what role do you usually take on?
A: I tend to be the one who gets people back on track when a conversation has gone off topic.
Q:Â Where is your favorite place to eat?
A: In-n-Out Burger
Q:Â Favorite mascot?
A: Stomper the Elephant
Q:Â What is your favorite snack?
A: Chocolate chip cookies
Q:Â If you could sit down with anyone for lunch, who would it be and why?
A: Tina Fey because I think she’s fabulous and I would laugh a lot.